Gates Have Been Opened…
“My Beloveds, the War is on!
For the enemy has, through his faithful followers of mankind opened Doors beyond measure this past week.
There are more he intends to open in the next few weeks.
This is important for all Nations, but especially those taking part in the 2024 Olympics, because without concerted repentance and intercession of all kinds, the enemy will be listing your nations and people groups on his lists of sinners, when he gives his version of the 2024 Olympics, in Heaven’s Court, before Me.”
“Now there was a day when the sons (the angels) of GOD came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan (the adversary and accuser) also came among them. The LORD said to Satan, From where did you come? Then Satan answered the LORD, From going to and fro on the earth and from walking up and down on it.” Job 1:6-7.
“The Olympics have given him a world viewing audience through technology.
Many who don’t know Me or My Word, are eager to be accepted by someone, instead of the rejection many if them get repeatedly, and oftentimes by those who call themselves Christians.
Many just don’t know or realize the trap they’d be walking into.
Many musicians and actors, you know the group who claims notoriety from Hollywood, who performed or visited, were portrayed at the games — yet they are already in hell, for their unholy activities, they refused to repent of.
Yet the enemy has used other means to depict them, in his games of trickery, to steal hearts through emotions.
They are then blinded, by increasing witchcraft and Jezebel spirits, so they don’t see My Truth, as it is before them.
Clones, doubles, masks, holograms, and other tricks of their trade, are being used more than ever.
Can you tell the difference between the real and the fake?
The enemy and his followers of mankind, will do whatever they need to do to win this War. Will you?
Will you spend time with Me in Prayer, Praise, Worship, Fasting, Prophetic Acts, Declarations, Tongues, dancing before Me, and other types of Intercession?
All of these help mankind in this spiritual and physical battle, at different times.
However, praying in tongues, will help most, for in it, you give yourself to Me willingly, so that My Heart’s desire is accomplished and prays what you don’t know to pray and bypasses any mistakes you may make in praying your heart, rather than Mine, in your language.”
“For one who speaks in an [unknown] tongue speaks not to men but to God, for no one understands or catches his meaning, because in the [Holy] Spirit he utters secret truths and hidden things [not obvious to the understanding].” 1 Corinthians 14:2.
“So [to conclude], my brethren, earnestly desire and set your hearts on prophesying (on being inspired to preach and teach and to interpret God’s will and purpose), and do not forbid or hinder speaking in [unknown] tongues.” 1 Corinthians 14:39.
“Thus [unknown] tongues are meant for a [supernatural] sign, not for believers but for unbelievers [on the point of believing], while prophecy (inspired preaching and teaching, interpreting the divine will and purpose) is not for unbelievers [on the point of believing] but for believers.” 1 Corintians 14:22.
The LORD continued, “Unholy spiritual Gates have been opened through activities in the physical and spiritual realms this week.
The enemy intends to open them even wider through more “planned surprises” to Christianity, in the following weeks. He will also try to open more gates, as time goes on.
Time is short and he knows it.”
“Therefore be glad (exult), O heavens and you that dwell in them! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in fierce anger (fury), because he knows that he has [only] a short time [left]!” Revelation 12:12.
“His followers are panicking more and more. Some are turning their backs to him and running for everything that’s in them, away from him.
They know he will be after them, as soon as he figures out they’ve abandoned him.
Remember, he doesn’t see, hear, know, or understand everything, as I do. He’s not Me, and is limited in his abilities.
So some ‘runners’ are running blindly because of the fear and mind control, they’ve been under.
Others have family, friends, or a stranger they met, who has shared the truth about Me. So some of these will come running straight into My arms.
It is important that My Beloveds are in a position to catch as many of these ‘runners’ as possible, before they give up and go back to the enemy.
It is also important that My Beloveds from every nation involved or active in the 2024 Olympics, repent for your nation and the unholy words, actions, and thoughts carried out this week and in possible future weeks, that were a part of the Olympics they participated in, knowingly or unknowingly.
Pray the unholy words, actions, and thoughts would be stopped immediately, that the intentions of the enemy would not come to pass, those involved would be exposed, captured quickly, and dealt with according to My Heart.
Finally it’s important that My Beloveds continue to repent on behalf of the sins of their nations.
The sins of the nations are GREAT because of their involvement in the satanic activities, both knowingly and unknowingly, that the enemy has been trying to increase and normalize, to make it appear as if there is nothing wrong with it, because its accepted by society.
In other words, he’s trying to recreate Sodom and Gomorrah death on earth.
Satan is wily, and still believes he will win in the end. His rebellion, stubbornness, and pride hang onto him tightly. He refuses to believe he will lose, because he knows what happens when he loses.
Beloveds, your Repentance and Intercession of every kind to Me is vital and will be literally life or death for this Nation — and every Nation — as they Repent and Intercede — or not.
It will affect each Nation and her people groups, as you know them now.
But for many it will be life or death for mankind and your loved ones, as well.
Sincere Repentance and Intercession cannot be replaced with other activities, but should be at the top of your priority list with Me.
You choose — Put your words into action! Me — or the enemy?”
God Bless You!
~ Beverly Juelsgaard-Fischer
Beverly Juelsgaard-Fischer (1952 – 2025)
Bev, Have printed this Word and marked in colour things to repent of and pray for our Nation and the Nations. The doors have been opened. FYI There have been 2 oil spills in Pointe-aux-Trembles in the St. Lawrence River in Montreals east end, that are very concerning to eyes that see. Am continue to pray after your last Word re: The St. Lawrence Seaway alert etc. Will be praying this. Appreciate your boldly proclaiming the truth. Thank you dear sister ❤️
Blessings, Patricia
Thank you so much for sharing the additional information on the oil spills in the St Lawrence Seaway. I will add it to my prayers.
GOD LOVES your heart for Him & intercession. Your obedience to Him is great & He cherishes you.
Thank you for sharing sister!
About 18 months ago the Lord laid on my heart this phrase “THERE IS A BREAK IN THE BULWARK” The Church, along with the Holy Spirit is the restraining power against evil progressing, in this world. But, there has been so much compromise and such a stronghold over believers in regards to the fear of man that it has corrupted and deteriorated the defensive walls we have had in place.
There has been an onslaught of evil pouring in. But the Lord reminded me that though the gates of hell be opened and enemy comes in like a flood, he has raised the standard! By his blood and his name we are already victorious and we have overcome!
He also lovingly laid on my heart that I am to begin declaring Psalm 24:7 “OPEN UP THE GATES AND LET THE KING OF GLORY IN! WHO IS THIS KING OF GLORY? The LORD STRONG AND MIGHTY!”
Yes! Strongly agree with declaring Ps 24:7! Thank you LORD for this wonderful revelation you’ve given to Rachel & BLESS HER LORD, for sharing with your BELOVEDS!
LOVED “But the Lord reminded me that though the gates of hell be opened and enemy comes in like a flood, he has raised the standard! By his blood and his name we are already victorious and we have overcome!” EXCELLENT!
Truly the LORD has blessed you to hear, speak, & discern Him clearly. Thank you so much for sharing! GOD BLESS YOU! Bev
Sharing, Bev!!! Thank you for this message, that I believe is from the very heart of God.
I love you sister, my beloved friend. Prayers ❤️
You, Dear One, have the Heart of God as well. Thank you so much! Share far & wide! We need more intercession! GOD BLESS YOU! Bev
I’m praying and interceding Bev. It’s definitely a time of war!
Yes, Faithful One, war is on the heart of the enemy & showing up through those who follow him & refuse peace.
GOD will deal with those who try to destroy mankind & His creation. They will know His VENGEANCE. WOE to them.
Thank you so much for your prayers & GOD’S LOVE, that pours out of you.