Future Events?
Several days ago, I had a dream that I would like to share and then a word from the Lord……
I dreamed I was inside a house of some sort, in the country, with some other people. I walked outside into the dark of the night. I came away from this place a bit and looked northward, and saw in the distance silhouettes of soldiers running in my direction. They had on helmets and carried rifles. They would run a ways, and drop….. rise, and run a ways, and drop. I ducked down and ran back to the house.
Later I asked the Lord about the dream.
He said,
“Let it shape you, the course of events to come, so you are strong in Me, for I AM over all.
There will be much going on, many distractions to take your eyes off Me, DON’T LET IT!
Be on guard. Be not afraid for I AM always there. Hold fast, I say, HOLD FAST AND TURN NOT AWAY IN DISTRESS.
Make sure you are seeing right, your eyes are fixed on Me, the author and finisher of your faith.”
~ Celeste Dewey
Amen! Indeed, He is the Author and Finisher of our faith! Thank you so much my dearest sister for the word of encouragement. Blessings!!!