HomeProphecyFreedom’s Song


Freedom’s Song — 4 Comments

  1. Thank you for this word of encouragement from the Father! This is what’s needed now for all who love and follow the Lord Jesus! Thank you for posting this. Amen

  2. The new creature, royal priesthood, lively stones, born of the Spirit, these word are used to describe the species called JESUS, the ones who eat sleep talk walk exercise copy every move there creator JESUS showed them, there desire is to be just like there Lord in every detail! The sound the music brings is not important is it anointed, the words the speakers talk, is not about oration are they anointed, being able to rightly divide between things of the soul and things of the Spirit requires the guidance of the anointing, spreading the good news of JESUS testimony successfully requires anointed fiery words, setting the captives free only comes from the anointing that removes burdens destroys yokes and transforms the captives into the new creation the new species JESUS CHRIST the ONE who MADE the way! IF YOU ARE IN FEAR, WORRY, TURMOIL, TROUBLED, DISTRESS … WHEN YOU ARE PRAYERING YOU ARE NOT IN THE ANOINTING YOU ARE IN THE FLESH

  3. Thank you Priscilla for your obedience to post this awesome Word.  I love evey word written here.  It is absolutely so needed in this hour!!! Thank you Lord that evey knee shall bow and evey tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of our Father in heaven.  Thank you Holy Spirit for bringing conviction of sin to many, many lost souls in this hour. Blessings!!!

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