HomeProphecyFragments of Interest


Fragments of Interest — 5 Comments

  1. This is like me too. Holy Spirit gave me a word a while ago that may speak to others too:

    Submit yourself to be a tool in My hands.  I am fashioning and forming you to be the vessel I can use.  This is not of your doing, nor is it your responsibility. You are to yield while the master forms the vessel.  I am such a Master Craftsman that I can take broken clay and make it anew for my purpose.  Be honored that I am your God and see fit to use you in a way I chose.  True humility is to submit to my hands. 
    It is not you who does the fashioning;
    it is not you who does the commissioning;
    it is not you who supplies the power and wisdom to accomplish your destiny. 

    It is all Me so always give me all the glory for what I do through you and also praise Me for even the hard process of making you the vessel that I can use.  Stop looking at yourself and instead say, Thank you Lord for what you are doing in my life that you can take broken clay and use me for your glory.

  2. Wow!! I feel and sense the love of the savior, and God’s comfort and his presence in every word here. I think alot of us feel this feeling, like we don’t fit anywhere? And yet, we fit perfectly with the remnant, those who walk this path with us. And I agree, it’s few. Yet like you, I would never trade this wonderful life and peace, that is beyond words, that Jesus gives us! Amen Sister. God bless you! And keep you!

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