Fire in the Pulpit!
This morning I was reading a Prophetic Word that The LORD gave me a few years ago.
In the 1990’s a movement known as “The God Chasers” emerged, sparked by a powerful encounter at a church in Houston, Texas.
It began when a pastor/ itinerant minister named Tommy Tenney was a guest speaker at this church with over 1,000 people in attendance.
As he delivered his message, an intense manifestation of God’s presence filled the room.
The atmosphere became so charged that men, women and children were overcome with The Glory of God.
Tommy said that the anointing in the room was so palpable, that he felt like he couldn’t breathe.
As The Holy Spirit moved, men began sobbing, while others were overcome with conviction as they streamed down the aisles, falling to their knees in repentance.
Tommy went back and stood at the soundboard, because he knew that something was about to happen.
The pastor of the Church walked up to the microphone visibly trembling, and began to read from 2 Chronicles 7:14 encouraging the people, saying “We have to seek His face, not just His hand”.
He went on to say: “We should not just seek His benefits, but we should seek also to know Him!“
When he spoke those words, suddenly there was a sound like thunder, and the pulpit supernaturally split in half, and was catapulted forward in two pieces.
The pastor was thrown back ten feet and laid prostrate for two and a half hours.
During this time, he received several incredible Visions.
This pastor is known to be quite conservative, and he never experienced a genuine encounter like this. He said from this day forward, his life was transformed.
This meeting extended for three days straight marked by extraordinary healings and an outpouring of Gods presence.
It went into the parking lot where people were experiencing this as they were getting out of their cars.
The story about the “Supernatural Lightening” went viral igniting Revival Fires in Churches across the country.
The LORD was dismantling man’s religious traditions, and bringing them into a relationship with Him. He is bringing His fire back to the pulpit.
The Holy Spirit is about to move in this nation and around the world, and we will experience these miracles once again.
The Holy Spirit is looking for God chasers who relentlessly chase after Him!
As we intentionally connect with Jesus, He will meet us, and reveal Himself to us. As we pray in the Spirit, we will become more sensitive and attuned to His Voice.
As we press in through each challenge, we will learn to overcome obstacles, and The LORD will demonstrate His Glory and show Himself strong on our behalf.
The LORD says, “I AM looking for those who know how to tap into the realm of the “Impossible”
They are those who understand the creative power of My Word, speaking it forth and praying it into existence.
They know how to capture heavens attention by pressing in, and pursuing Me.
They are those who develop an intimacy with Me, and therefore the supernatural becomes natural to them.
As you reach out to touch the hem of My Garment, you will receive a response.
Those of you who are relentless and in passionate pursuit of Me, will find Me.
Those who worship Me in Spirit and in truth will teach others how to enter into My Presence.
In My presence burdens will be lifted and oppressive yokes will be destroyed.
The atmosphere will change as you pull heaven down into the earthly realm.
There is another wave coming.
My Presence will be manifested on this earth once again, and My Glory will be revealed in all creation!” says The LORD.
“A fire shall always be burning on the altar; it shall never go out.” Leviticus 6:13.
“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14.
“When You said, “Seek My face,” My heart said to You, “Your face, Lord, I will seek.” Psalm 27:8.
Blessings in Christ Jesus,
~ Elaine
Elaine Tavolacci
Staten Island, NY
I remember The God Chasers and I also agree that we will see another wave coming. Isn’t it exciting!
Awesome God..incredible..
Absolutely yes….and Amen.