Fine Tune The LORD’s Voice
“You are not helpless,” says The LORD.
“Don’t look to others to perform miracles for you but look to ME. There is nothing impossible with Me. NOTHING! Absolutely NOTHING.
“Shed the doubt and fears and unbelief and build up yourself by rehearsing what I have spoken. Start speaking it again and again until you have the reassurance that I WILL PERFORM MY WORD,” says The LORD.
“Have faith in ME rather than what you see and hear,” says The LORD.
“Turn away from all the negative reports and refuse to fill your mind with all the evil speaking that fills the air waves.
“I will renew your mind and fill you with MY MIND as you turn off the evil voices and fine tune MINE. Think My thoughts. Speak My Word.
“Believe it and expect miracles, and you will receive them, for I have not changed. You will have everything from Me that you can believe Me for, if you will hold fast to your profession of faith and refuse to let it go until you fully receive what I have promised you,” says the LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
It is hard 2c beyond surface while DAILY arrow attacks …a pill ingested during 40 years of LIVING. And cried begging pleading with the LORD …asking “whys” and “when”
He speaks 2me prophectically through HIS servants. Pr June is one of them. Thank you again Woman of GOD☝⏰⌚
Yes Lord
Hi I loved this word my sprit has been hert in the past. But I know I have more in than people see I want to be the best at God’s work as I can. Is there any thing for me