Find Rest From the Cares of This Life
Come into My presence where you will find rest from the cares of this life, says the LORD.
Come and sit at My table that is spread for you. You do not have to prepare this supper, for I will provide it for you.
You need to just take your seat next to Me and enjoy the fellowship and friendship with Me as well as the benefits that I load you with. They are ready for you to receive.
Do not become weary in well doing, but refresh yourself in My presence and receive new strength and vitality in Me, says the LORD.
My easy yoke and light burden are for you to link with, says the LORD. You need not carry the weights and burdens yourself.
Shift all of them onto Me, for I AM big enough, strong enough and powerful enough to even carry you and all those you carry.
Nothing is too difficult for Me, and that includes the complications of your own self and the ones you love.
You cannot fix them or change them or help them like I can and will, and as you cast all their care upon Me as well as your own, you will begin to live carefree and have a light heart.
You will know the rest that I have for those who will enter in, and there will be peace and tranquility and renewal as you come, says the LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.