HomeProphecyFilled With Fear and Dread!


Filled With Fear and Dread! — 8 Comments

  1. Thank you!!!  Dealing with multiple circumstances hitting all at once AGAIN, and am feeling very forsaken and alone at times.  What a fantastic encouragement!!!

  2. I am indeed immersed in Jesus, I got baptized today!  Hallelujah!
    About a month ago I had been thinking about Acts 2:38- ‬
    [38] Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
    And I heard it a few times from others as well so I told God if it was His will that I be baptized then He would make a way, otherwise I wouldn’t.  (I was unsure if I needed to because I had been baptized when I was 13 but was not born again until I was 32)
    Well Time to Revive ministries came by my small town in montana and they just happened to have a mobile baptism truck which I had never heard of before.  So I hopped into the bath and got baptized!  Thank you God for making a way.

  3. This is so beautiful.
    I’m contending with an evil (or what i should say is an evil is contending with me) its so dark Deborah, I could have never imagined just 10 years ago how evil evil actually is, I know I’m not alone. The encouragement the Lord passes on to me through you and HKP is more needed than I can express, thank you!!
    God bless you beautiful lady!!

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