Feeling the Healing Presence!
3 Words in 1
Marginal Differences
Marginal : adjective : If you describe something as marginal, you mean that it is small or not very important.
“Understand that from the beginning I gave man and woman dominion over the earth.
Adam named the animals. They stood and walked with Me in the midst of the Garden of Eden.
Nothing of My Presence was withheld from them!
When the commandment was broken by them to abstain from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the curse came from giving into the lies of “Nacash”.
You know this is why My Son came is to break the curse and restore fellowship with me.
Today many men and women are full of the same lies, “Did God say?”
The perversion of the enemy’s forces has destroyed Faith in the earth. But I AM coming to restore it in The Elect and Saved, and to judge the evil ones.
It IS as in the days of Noah with mankind dabbling in occult practices in spilling the blood of
The Innocent and altering human beings for their own selfish purposes of enslavement and destruction.
Nothing you do can physically will alter anything save your fellowship with Me.
So expend your energy in worshiping Me and will give you the keys you need to pray and how to witness to the world My Kingdom!
Nothing will be withheld from those willing to do My Will!
I will provide all you need to reach out to others.
I will demonstrate My Kingdom in this hour to all the doubters and mockers. Many will change but some will chose death over life in me.
Guard your hearts beloveds, for you are not the Savior! There is only one who can Save, Heal and Deliver.
There are marginal differences among many of you — but for some, they cannot be great, due to wrong teaching.
Doctrine matters! You cannot compromise.
But with the demonstration of My Power, many who have opposed My Holy Spirit will turn to Truth.
And sadly, others will become your enemy, for it was the religious who did not understand My Mercy or Grace, who crucified Me!
It will be the same in this hour.
So listen to Me, when I do not want you to talk to some or share secrets!
Keep Holy boundaries! Do not cast your pearls before swine — lest they trample you!
I told the Apostles that when people rejected them, to flee and go to another city.
Some of you will have to do the same, because some cities will be given over to the enemy, and will be destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah.
The PURGING will end the adulteration of My creation and bring in My Rule on earth!
So fear NOT the Day of The LORD’s Wrath, for My Wrath is not for Believers!
Believe and Receive M y Grace and Mercy! For My Mercy endures forever!”
There is a Train Coming!
“There is a Train coming!” The LORD said.
“It’s being loaded right now with all that you need for the days to come, including Courage, Faith, and My Ability to provide everything you need — finances, food, water, super-natural provision that you’ve never seen.
It is bringing supernatural provision from Heaven to the Saints and to the elect of God, that they’ll be able to go through the season ahead.
Yes, I’ve told you about this before, but somehow it’s not sinking in for some people because it’s so hard to imagine this paradigm shift.
There will be a time of turbulence, but then there will be a time of restoration of the government of The Church and of The Nations!”
Feeling the Healing Presence
Listening to John Wilds leading worship, I started feeling The Healing Presence of The LORD.
Weeping in His Presence, I heard as Jesus said, “You are on crest of wave, though you can’t see it.
The billowing waves are starting and will increase in strength and power till they overthrow the dark spiritual princes of the earth that have sought to replace My Creation!
I AM healing your inner core — the heart of your soul!
Every room of your heart will be excavated till all the pains, emotional and physical are healed and all damage reversed!
My Love will overpower those willing to rest long enough in My Presence to receive it!
I AM determined to recover My Own as I pour out My Love.
Even in the midst of darkness, as it was when I came to earth and the roman empire ruled, will I do startling things to dismantle the powers and principalities trying to subdue you and keep you in bondage.
The bondage breaker is coming and those wrapped in his chains will be freed!
I will empower you as well with more Authority, as I break your chains to do the same for those around you!
Nothing will be withheld from those willing to choose me over this world!”
~ Priscilla Van Sutphin
PRISCILLA VAN SUTPHIN is the founder of Upstream Ministries, California, online at www.upstreamca.org and blogtalkradio.com/ Upstream and broadcasts on YouTube at @PriscillaVanSutphin. Email: upstream.ca@me.com
For Donations: send to ‘Priscilla Van Sutphin’ on envelope, but to Upstream if chk at 15660 Tustin Village Way #27, Tustin CA 92780 or https://www.paypal.me/UpstreamMinistries or Zelle thru using upstream.ca@me.com
Dear Priscilla –
Such a Word of balance, instruction and peace from Lord Jesus! Each sentence is meaty, and
savoring the wisdom in this. Shalom dear sister.
Hear the Word from the Lord…pray Church!
Thank you Priscilla for posting this beautiful word from the Lord. I receive this and I am willing to stay long enough in His presence to receive His love and healing. Blessings to you and yours. I hope many people will read this message and come to the saving knowledge of our Savior!!!