HomeProphecyFebruary is Freedom Month


February is Freedom Month — 13 Comments

  1. Meanwhile we Europeans are rather worried; I’ve been reading the US new economic decisions are bad news for us (and they’ll affect ordinary middle class and poor people the most), we’re also worried about what will happen about Ukraine and if Trump will throw us under the bus (though I’m not from Ukraine, if it loses it means more danger for us other countries in Europe).

  2. Sandi this is so cool (As you can tell I am a child from the 6o’s lol) The Lord told me “Are you ready for an adventure?” And I knew it was for February and beyond.  So I am celebrating also.  FREEDOM is such a great word and especially when it comes from the King.  Hugs Pam

    • Pam, indeed, you are on it. We are so ready for this adventure that He has for us. His love all by itself is now and always has been and will forever be a romantic heavenly adventure as we walk with Him and talk with Him! Hugs, hugs, hugs to you, Sandi

  3. Thank you for sharing your outstanding post….I’ve already started celebrating. This February will be a special one, for the history records, praise God!

    God bless ❤️❤️

    • Yes, Janice, I totally agree. There shall be many historical happenings along with my heart warming personal answers, some that many have given up on. Praise the only true God! Abundant blessings to you as His love hold you tightly in His grip. Sandi

  4. Dear Sandi –

    ah yes, The Love of our King Jesus
    How our country, the Church, and all of us (battle-weary saints – need that fresh-infilling of His love! I know I do. A long season of testings and trials (nationally, spiritually and personally) can zap the vision and zeal from any of us. So – I take this word as god’s personal memo to us – that His love-to-the-rescue plan is on time. Thank you. Elizabeth

    • Dear Elizabeth,
      Thanks for your confirmation that His love to the rescue plan is here. After praying with you, I had a deep peace that settled in my heart for the warfare we are now in but so many are blind to the truth because they felt everything is ‘hunky dory’ (as my grandmother would say) now that President Trump is back. The Battle now to hold the ground and cover him in prayer continually as He moves forward. Love and prayers, Sandi

    • Good evening, Cindy. I truly appreciate your agreement. Two in agreement can get anything done; the word says two establish it! PTL. Sending the blessings of the Lord to you as you move forward in the Lord, Sandi

  5. Thank You Father! I believe it and receive it! Take my hand and lead me higher I ask in Jesus name!

    No, Fox News! This is not a flurry! This is a raging Northern Plains Blizzard! Complete and total White out! 30’ drifts, 60mph winds, sub zero temps, wind chills of -50 below zero!
    Most of satans puppets and pawns must think hell has frozen over! Lol ! They are dazed, bewildered, disoriented and confused unable to distinguish anything of their familiar twisted and wicked surrounding for all has been covered by God’s white blanket of righteousness and purifying temps!
    White-symbolizes Triumph, Victory in conflict, and Purity, Holiness and Success! Hallelujah!!!! This is NOT a “flurry”. This is a 200 year blizzard of a storm that will purify and restore this nation to Gods path of righteousness! Thank You Father for what you are doing and will continue we pray in Jesus name amen!!
    Thank You Jesus!!!
    Thank you Sandi!!

    • GOD BLESS YOU, dear Marc for your ‘take’ of this word..loved “No, Fox News! This is not a flurry! This is a raging Northern Plains Blizzard! Complete and total White out! 30’ drifts, 60mph winds, sub zero temps, wind chills of -50 below zero!” Now I could go on about your amazing comment but it is so good that it will purify and restore this nation to Gods path of righteousness. I say AMEN, my brother, and thank you. Love and blessings to you and Tami (and the girls) Sandi

  6. God’s beloved Sandi. Thank you that in God you let His voice resound so powerfully and with faithfulness and devotion to the King you handle the word that God says and His people so urgently need to hear. I experienced many of these today in my prayer room, and behold, the Lord gave me an amazing confirmation of what I perceived through this word. I thank the Lord for such wonderful encouragement about His justice and intercession for His loved ones who have been under the oppression of evil for a long time and that He is the one who rules always on time and is never late. We often do not always understand the circumstances in which we find ourselves, but God always has us in His hand and will not let the test exceed our strength. Thank you for His rain of hope and that the captives are being set free. God keeps His promises and acts. And may we be able to see anew that true freedom is always born through the knowledge and revelation of His love and unchanging grace. The wonderful love of the Father breaks the chains and ushers us into the glorious freedom of God’s sons and daughters. I bless with God’s pick up and empowerment from the Holy Spirit. The Lord be with you

    • Thank you so much, dear David. You have a true heart of an intercessor. I love that ‘He will not let the test exceed our strength’. Powerful and so true..HIS LOVE for us always shines through every test, every action, every promise and every truth. What a description: He is the TRUTH and His is the way who goes before us and makes a way, leads us in the way, and HE is the LIFE. He lives in us and trusts us to be the Life to His people as we demonstrate His love, character and yes truth regarding judgment and consequences. May the Lord continue to fill you with His love, wisdom and His heart as you intercede and serve Him as a true disciple. Grateful, Sandi

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