Fear, Anxiety and Stress
Fear, anxiety and the stress that comes from worry will rob you of joy and strength.
Don’t go into the new year married to the spirit of fear. Divorce yourself from the enemy by speaking it out of your mouth.
You might feel a little silly but it really is necessary to inform the spirit realm of your intentions, otherwise you remain in a covenant with fear.
In the spirit realm the enemy sees it like a marriage. You must let him know who is in authority!
Breaking wrong agreements that you have made unknowingly will liberate you from the fearful ‘what if’s’ and worries about stuff that is beyond your control.
Leave it with God, because He already has the plans figured out. He has already written the script for your life, every day’s events have already been recorded in His Books. I’m just here to remind you of that fact.
What can you change with worry? Nothing.
When you divorce fear, it is a divisive action to refuse to let the enemy lead you away from God’s plan, and put your trust in the One who has lovingly created good plans for your life.
Fear doesn’t know the way. It wants to lead you into poor, impulsive decisions.
Faith displaces fear, joy and confidence are restored and your ability to hear from God becomes stronger.
Faith comes through peace and rest.
Cease striving and it will be well with your soul.
~ Laura Gagnon
Laura Gagnon is a woman who has been blessed with the gift of understanding God’s restorative work through her own personal experience. Through her insights and revelation, God has led her to influence many individuals into a restored relationship with Jesus Christ. She is a woman who stands on the promises of God, encouraging others in an elevated expectation of the miraculous and declares the gift of His life. Laura is the author of Healing the Heart of a Woman and writes for her blog, Beyond the Barriers.
Yesss…I AGREE…”Faith displaces fear, joy and confidence are restored and your ability to hear from God becomes stronger.” Laura
I admit fear has ALWAYS.play it’s roll in my life greatly. I exp the “what ifs and wish I can redo decisions i MADE”
There is no such thing goin back in time GOD want us to move move FORWARD in HIS timing
The impossible (the anxiety, fears of yesterday, today and tomorrow) is out of our control this is where HE steps in and leave it 2 HIM☝☝☝⌚⏰
Your timely words have helped me today to relieve the fear, anxiety and stress of the day from my mind and spirit as I accept the Holy Spirit’s peace, faith and rest into my heart. Thank you Lord as I rest in your peace and am confident that Your plans and ways are higher than our plans and far better.
Wow!! So good! Thank you, it helped me alot.Glory to God!!!