HomeProphecyEzekiel & Why the Upcoming Election Doesn’t Matter (Updated)


Ezekiel & Why the Upcoming Election Doesn’t Matter (Updated) — 19 Comments

  1. I couldn’t agree more.  You are saying exactly what I’ve been telling people for years – mostly people claiming to be Christians- they don’t want to hear it. 
    They say I’m negative – I say I’m a realist and read God’s word and believe it.
    Most so called prophets are pathetics in my book!
    They say what people want to hear because it gets them clicks, invitations and $$$

  2. I grew up when times were harder economically.  People would spend time with the Lord and be in the Word. At church they would come running to the altar in deep repentance.  Yes, many of the churches have grown lukewarm!  There seems to be a party spirit and entertainment.  The TV came along in my time.  Smart phones also.  People spend more time watching TV and with their smart phones.  Anything that we spend more time on than with the Lord is an idle.  Yes, I’ve seen it what Tim Price is saying.  More spirit of the World.  Little or no fear of God.  God asks that He be 1st in our life.  Some churches are just a social connection. Have seen people who are the same today as they were 30 years ago.  Where is the fire in peoples hearts. God brings a Word forth thru a willing vessel, it falls on deaf ears of too many, Bless you brother for your message.  right on.

  3. Very, very insightful and disturbing. That we believers would change and grow closer to the state of our hearts. Have we not learned anything?  Yes the world is what it is and we have to contend with it. But we Christians are walking side by side with the world and its troubles. Thank you Tim. Shalom

  4. Thank you for this word. You are on point, its amazing how we think God takes sides in these affairs of ours as if he is pro right and anti left. its high ignorance. we should know that there is little righteousness in both camps.

  5. To just stand by and do nothing would be wrong, we the church must repent, pray and get involved!! We must stand up to anyone with evil!!

  6. I do not disagree with repentance, of course!  I do believe we are feeling spiritual warfare.  I am tired of America being compared to Babylon though.  Yes, things have gotten terrible with Pride, homosexuality, trans, trafficking, etc. (and not only in America) It’s all evil and should be judged.  But I truly believe there are still more Jesus-believing great people here.  Why the constant punching of America when other countries like Afghanistan have been using little boys?  Bacha bāzī, is a practice in which men buy and keep adolescent boys–also called chai boys or dancing boys–for entertainment and sex even while being married to a woman.  This HAS BEEN THEIR CULTURE FOR YEARS.  How disgusting!  America has spread the gospel more than any other nation.  God, of course, will have his way, but I believe he listens to our prayers asking for mercy.  Please keep praying for America!

  7. Many Prophets including Kim Clement said a curse was put on the land because of the 1973 Decision to legalize Abortion. Mother Teresa spoke before Congress in 1994 and said that the reason there is so much violence on the streets and homes is because of legalized Abortion.

  8. God has raised up many Christians to be delegates and get involved.  Im 1 of them. I felt God telling me to get involved 2 years ago so I became a delegate.  I was so surprised to see that 99% of the people are strong, Bible believing Christians.  And we know that we have to vote. Thats been a huge problem in the church.  They don’t get out and vote because we know the end of the book but it is our responsibility to vote and elect Godly men and women into office for His work. The church needs to wake up in this area and pastors need to encourage their congregations to get out and vote!

    • Not always what we want to hear, but doesn’t make it any less true. Thank you for sharing. Praying we all myself included be drawn close to the Lord by his mercy and grace. To know him, and to bring others in. Praying he’d release the gift of repentance, and look with favor only bc the blood that was shed!

    • I Strongly disagree, if kamala wins she will destroy the country and the enemies of America will be seeking vengeance. Christians in America should wake up before it is too late


      America as a nation will never repent The Lord is just looking for five people to stand in the gap and he change the tide

      Jesus said if he doesn’t cut the days shot no one will be saved including you.

      America as a Nations WILL NEVER REPENT.

      A True Christian will pray against the rise of kamala Harris and not sit on the idle

  9. Even if judgement is coming and absolutely necessary… doesn’t mean we don’t keep fighting. Even though people didn’t listen to Ezekiel, He STILL had to speak what God said!  As followers of Christ, we are to do all we can to fight for what God wants, to pray for evil to flee… to engage in efforts to keep God’s principles active in our communities and nation. Here in America it’s VOTING! It’s SPEAKING UP! We MUST VOTE! God will spit the lukewarm out of His mouth.

  10. So yes, restraining evil through our vote is a very real thing today.

    Friends, we really do have a responsibility before God to engage in the nation in which we live.  The Lord told us in Luke 19:13 to occupy until He returns.  Part of the occupation process requires us to be a good steward of what we’ve been given.  This does not simply refer to our time and talents; this is maintaining a nation from which the Gospel can pour out unto all the earth.  What does this have to do with voting?  Ask yourself this question: if I, as a Christian do not vote, but my neighbor who is a liberal does vote, what influence does that have in my city?  In my state?  In my nation?  Will they vote for Biblical values?  Will they vote to protect the life of our preborn citizens?  Will they protect Israel?  Will they fight to end child trafficking at the border?  Will the policies that come out of those candidates my neighbor votes for reflect my values or the world’s values?

    It’s decision time for all of us.

    • Very good replies CCB. It’s important that all American vote.

      I also believe repentance is important.
      God is calling for repentance. He will judge those who don’t repent.

      God bless!

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