HomeProphecyEzekiel & Why the Upcoming Election Doesn’t Matter (Updated)


Ezekiel & Why the Upcoming Election Doesn’t Matter (Updated) — 19 Comments

  1. I am writing this in hope you will spend time with the Lord and address all these points of view addressed in the comments.

    As for me all I can point is there a millions of righteous people in this country. God Himself is defending US and fighting for US. God does not bring Judgements, people’s sin bring judgement.

  2. Oh you have my attention and I’m listening!
    Thank you for that word – it prepares me for the future so when things start happening and it looked like all hell is breaking loose I won’t be confused or confounded to
    what is going on – thank you

  3. God’s judgement is to redeem not utterly destroy those He died for. This is we should always keep in mind when talking about judgement. It matters when and whom we are talking about also otherwise things can quickly come out of context. God wants Jesus to get His reward don’t you?

  4. I agree that judgement is coming, but the urgency of the hour is prayer. A return to our first love, which as followers of Christ is Christ Himself. I believe we are at a tipping point, and we must not be apathetic, we must not give up. Pray and seek the Lord, ask for His mercy! Pray for how you can be involved. God wants us involved. Despair is not the answer, it leads to more apathy. Arise church and start by repentance and prayers. God will lead us, but giving up, must never be.

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