Exposing the false spirit of the modern Church
I met a woman preacher some time ago who was of the Lutheran persuasion. We were discussing INFANT BAPTISM. She said she knew that God was pleased with Infant Baptism [not because it was taught in the Scriptures] but, because of a strong feeling she had about it.
She went on to say that the Same Spirit [that spoke to her and did touch her when she prayed] did touch her when she witnessed an infant baptism [or when she did sprinkle a baby].
I said to her: “How do you know it was the holy spirit that touched you?” She explained she just knew the Holy Spirit’s touch.
Then I ask her a question: “Wouldn’t it be very plausible and within reason to say that if a person had never truly met or experienced the Holy Spirit personally [or that person had not known the Lord] be easily deceived by feelings? How would they know it was the Holy Spirit if they had never met him or experienced him?
She got very mad and said to me: “Are you saying I am not saved and do not know the Holy Spirit?” I told her please, answer the question. She refused, and then she threw me out of her house ,calling me a bold blasphemer, and a evil man.
Now doesn’t the Scripture tell us in 1 John 4:1 to try the spirits to see wither they are of God or not? If people could not be deceived, then why did he warn men to try them?
Well it does give us that admonition. It goes on to tell us that we must try them and prove them. If the spirit does not agree with the Scripture when it says Jesus is the deity, or God. [If they do not believe [or confess to you] that he is… then they are of the Anti-Christ. Right?
We know that the Scriptures were given to us as a sound doctrinal teaching which is our authority and source of knowing the truth of God. In fact it tells us to study the word to show your self approved unto God. The blessed Holy Spirit will not disagree with the very scripture that he moved men to write.
If a spirit (confessing to be the Holy Spirit) does not uphold the Scripture that Spirit would not be the true Spirit, but it would be an impostor. It could be the devil because the devil did lie from the beginning and question God’s Word in the Garden of Eden, causing Eve then Adam to sin and fall.
To say the Holy Spirit will lead men into sin, in the guise of worship, is inconsistent with the scripture. Nor will the Holy Spirit give conflicting instructions. The Holy Spirit will not approve of the World and its ways to one servant, then turn and tell another servant it is sin [depending upon the circumstances and persons involved].
Would the Holy Spirit lead one to play certain kind of ungodly and worldly music to worship and to another tell him it would be and is a sin? Nor will the Holy Spirit tell you to abstain from the works of the world around you, and its darkness, and in another instance, tell someone else that it would be okay to live worldly. The Holy Spirit would then have a double nature or standard. in these cases.
I believe that this is a serious word given here… because this is exactly what is happening in this issue of bringing in the world to worship God in the guise of the Holy Spirit. Men are saying it is okay with the Holy Spirit for some to use ungodly rock music to win the young people of this generation. To others he is telling them it would be a sin to bring in the World and the Worlds ways to win the Lost. They say it depends upon what God wants to do and the people involved. Would God have a double standard in order to get things done, or does He work consistently with his Word?
The fact is, anyone can claim they have the truth of God, but to prove it with the scripture is the burden upon them. The Scriptures tell us to reject false doctrine and to reject those who teach it. It tells us in warning to beware of False Teachers who will twist the scripture and prove their error.
This Issue of deeding to be like the world to attract sinners to salvation, is a false doctrine. Period.
The scriptures tell us that the way to bring men to salvation is by preaching the gospel which is the power of God unto salvation.
Many are saying that music will draw the youth to Christ when the Word says, that work belongs to the Holy Spirit. We are not told to compromise with the world to overcome it, but we are told to hate the world and not be part or party with it, to be received by The Lord.
This is exactly what is happening in the modern day, end-time Church which has brought the church down in the eyes of the lost world. That which caused confusion, has entered, causing all sort of false doctrines to creep in and stop the advancement of the church.
The modern church has become so worldly, that they are now of no real Heavenly Good. Many people attend these churches, are told the wrong things about the Lord, Salvation, Worship, the Bible, etc. To the place that all we now have is RELIGION [The thoughts and the teaching of Men].
These men try to justify their beliefs about God and to correlate them in a manner that makes them look spiritual. In all this they only deny the Only Lord Jesus Christ and his Word, thus bringing discredit to the Truth.
This condition of not fully knowing who and what the Holy Spirit work is all about in these End Times is exactly what is causing many to fall into error and False Doctrine. It is leading this modern church to be only a Worldly Religious CLUB not much better than the lodges like the Moose Lodge.
If not stopped, this deception will lead to the Great Falling Away that proceeds the Day of the Lord.
~ Desert Prophet Ken Dewey
Evangelist/Prophet/Pastor Ken Dewey is the founder of “OUT OF THE DESERT MINISTRIES” in Belen, New Mexico, USA. He writes on this Web Site, many Prophetic words, Sermons and teachings while leading people into true church settings and preaching in an End Time Gospel Ministry. NOTICE: One of the ways you can get involved in this OUT OF THE DESERT ARMY is to become a PARTNER or to GIVE A DONATION. We are believing God for many more Monthly Partners to stand with us in Monthly Giving and Offerings. If you have a desire to help and give, please know we need your help. God is sending people as I write to this place. We need your help and prayerful giving to enable us to do more for more people. Please send you pledge to becoming a Monthly Partner or to sow an offering into this Ground. To make a donation to OUT OF THE DESERT MINISTRIES please send to: PO BOX 223, BELEN, NEW MEXICO. PLEASE PRAY ABOUT SENDING A LOVE OFFERING TO SOMEONE WHO IS IN THE MIDST OF THE BATTLE FOR SOULS.. AND TO OPEN BLINDED EYES OF THOSE WHO ARE SLEEPING IN THE BODY OF CHRIST. WE NEED YOUR HELP TO DO ALL THAT GOD IS SAYING FOR US TO DO. THANK YOU ALL … |
This also applies with regard to the spirit who speaks (or “feels”) against the LORD in Matthew 5,32 + 19,9 + Mark 10,11-12 + 1 Corinthians 7,10-11