Every Cult Has a Bait of Truth!
2 Words in 1
Every Cult Has a Bait of Truth!
I just want to share what I have observed over the years.
Those who have gotten into the messianic roots movement, keeping the Torah, and have gotten off balanced with it all. Many have actually fallen away from the LORD, given into deep deception, and led many astray, bringing confusion, heresy and many other heartache happenings.
The LORD warns us to not add or take away from the Word, especially trying to add works to the saving grace of the LORD Jesus Christ.
They trust in what they are doing as assurance that they are going to heaven and this must not be. This is an open door to deception.
If we aren’t Jewish, why do many act like they are? And what causes them to fall away from walking in the New Testament teachings?
They ignore that Paul rebuked Peter from trying to get the early believers involved in doing things to add to saving grace like what they are to eat, etc.
Over the years, I began to get interested in the Jewish roots and believed I was receiving conviction over certain areas, but they didn’t last. That is just like going through a fad or giving into peer pressure. The conviction is only there when you are around certain people, but before the LORD alone, there is no conviction.
These people have even gotten to saying that people are not using the right name for the Son of God and I fell for it. Then I observed that there was no peace in what they said.
Every name that one says was the true one, did not measure up with scripture. They have more names than the pagans have gods.
I just put out there [below] a word of warning to watch what you give into. There are so many open doors to deception. They can even be behind a scripture picture.
You click on a picture you like and behind it begins a teaching that sounds good and balanced and as you get in there the enemy puts a bait of deception out there. And not realizing it you bite the bait and there is a price to pay.
The enemy is setting snares to catch us up in a deception this close to the end of all times. If we keep our hearts right walking in the light He gives us, he promises that the elect will not be deceived.
I believe that means that if you fell into it, He will deliver you. Stay safe filled with God’s great grace and truth in its perfect balance in Jesus name.
Every cult has a bait of truth to try to get you ensnared and the enemy knows which one will work for you!!
There are Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing!
If one hardens their heart, there is no repentance. It is a gift, but if a heart is not willing to receive, God will not pour it out unless they cry out for mercy!
I found out that one who had listened to his teachings fell into a snare of the enemy and gave into fraud. It looks like he continued in things, knowing what he was doing, and he ended up in prison.
But the bad thing is, there is no trace of him admitting he had done any wrong, and no repentance. That is a scary thing.
It is such a let down to find this out, because I had trusted in his teachings. But at that time he was involving in scamming the people, using the elderly’s trust and taking their savings, etc..
LORD, have mercy on this man! And heal my heart.
His name came to me and I searched him out on the Internet to see how things were going and I find this out. At first I thought it was all a lie, how people like to ruin a person’s reputation who are good.
But I find him on Facebook and writing while he is in prison. I wrote a note to him and he deleted it. I was just asking what is going on? He is still leading the people to trust him.
There are wolves in sheep’s clothing, beware!
~ Yolanda Ballard
Yolanda Ballard of At The Father’s Feet website, shares with you, the body of Christ, the words she’s received quietly sitting at the Father’s feet. I believe Jesus set the example for us to follow. Whenever He could He would come apart from the busyness of the world so that He could quiet Himself before the Father, for that is where He received direction and strength to carry out His will.
I see that you had combined two thoughts I had and they go so together because this man that ended up in prison was a hebrew roots minister and was so strict in keeping the sabbath, the feasts, etc. So sad!!!