Established and Successful Work?
In reading the word today I saw a verse in Proverbs 16:3, about how men are encouraged to roll their works upon the LORD, in other words commit and trust them wholly to the LORD.
“Commit your works to the LORD, And your thoughts will be established,” Proverbs 16:3.
There are many people hanging out, wondering and striving about what to do. In the meantime, the work they could be doing is at a halt. There is no progress being made because they strive about where to begin.
Perhaps it would be good to stop and think about what it is you have in your heart to do ,and what or where is the talent the LORD has given to you. Once you find that out: why not commit that to the LORD and ……… Just do it!
Life’s highways are strewn with useless men and women who for some reason, stopped working. They make up many homeless and hurt people, who have striven and failed.
Now they are just beat up beside the road, having no real purpose. Does not God just want His people to trust Him? Does all the work have to be huge crusades and churches?
Yet many think God wants more…. They seek to please the LORD by doing some great work. Many have in mind that God would not be happy with them unless they were some successful evangelist, pastor, or teacher.
Some have only seen these ministry works as “the work.” Constantly they are beat up daily because they never seem to achieve this goal that has somehow became only a dream.
Is there no work to do except to be a minister? Cannot a person be a common worker such as a construction man or builder and yet please the LORD? Can a mother and a dad just love God and live a righteous life and please the LORD, or must they leave home and strive with the ungodly to please him?
Will God not be pleased with the work of your hands when your hands are holy hands, desiring only the righteous way of life?
Were all the Old Testament [great men] only prophets? Priest? Or kings? Were all an Elijah? The answer of course is no. There were many who were just common workers. Those who set out just to live for their God and honor Him with the works of their hands.
My earthly father was first a farmer, then later became a jack of many trades. He did teach bible studies in churches, but what I remember most about him was: he loved God and he loved me, and did all to raise me in the ways of the LORD.
Many today just need to get in and roll their works upon the LORD. When they do… all the works combined by all who labor will add up to a mighty work.
Did not the Apostle Paul say we are laborers together… And to take heed how you build? If all want to be the chief and none want to be just Indians, will the work get done?
Not all can be or are even called to be a prophet, pastor, teacher or an evangelist, missionary, etc, much less an apostle. But all are called to work together. When we do the work that God has given us ability to work… Will not the temple be built? Will not the walls be finished? Will not the ark float?
But there needs be labor. Some to go cut down trees and shape them for beams. Some to make bricks. Some to work at the administration [planning and preparing of the successful building plans]. Some plumbers, and some electricians, etc. Many laborers from all professions and abilities are needed in God’s Kingdom. Not all can preach or are called to do so… but all can do a work for God.
I once was a pastor in a church were there was an old lady who loved the LORD so very much. She just desired to do God”s work and to be found doing it. One day I came into the church building and heard a noise coming from the restroom. “Who could be in the building this time of the day?” I wondered.
Walking to the restroom, I saw this precious lady down on here knees cleaning out the toilet bowl. It is a nasty job. “What are you doing down there sister?” I asked. “Well, just doing what nobody else wanted to do. I just want to serve my wonderful LORD!”
I have never gotten totally over that event. I remember it till today. What if that precious servant and friend of God had not been willing to get her hands and knees and do a dirty job, to clean the toilet bowls for us and other people serving the LORD?
The scriptures says in one place: “I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of God than to dwell in the tents of the wicked!”
While many are sitting and waiting upon something to move them to a great work. Perhaps they should stop and ask, “What can I do?”
Is there something I know how to do that would be a pleasing work for God? I can now suggest about a thousand…..
A minister told about a successful tent ministry and what made it a success. It was not the evangelist who made it great, but the faithful workers who labored to put up the tent; set up the chairs and take them down; secure the equipment at night; watch for thieves; pray; keep follow up cards and visit the new converts, and the list goes on.
I found it very hard to be in the tent ministry and do it all myself. The hours get long when you [by yourself and I] have to drive every stake, roll out the tent flaps, place the center poles, take out all 500 chairs and set them up… hook up the sound system and make it work…. and still have time to prepare to preach a spiritual message… or even be able to have the remaining strength to do the preaching…. Period.
In Belen NM where I held a tent meeting, I was working alone in the tent trying to get things ready for the first service, when a lady came in the tent and said to me: “Is there something I can do?” She looked around and saw the stacks of folding chairs waiting to be set up and said: “May I set up chairs?”
I was so moved when she begin to set up many chairs. Later I noticed she had been drinking, and realized she needed the LORD… But as she worked, I saw she was doing it for the LORD. Well, what if others had been willing? Can you see that here, large effort and work got their rewards? Even if she had been drinking?
Believe me, I know how to appreciate good workers who just want to work.
Here in the building of Desert Zion, I need all sort of workers, and works. Just name the job and I need it. Yet many say they want to work for God and still we have no workers.
My question is when someone strives over the job, have they and are they now ready to…. Roll their works upon the LORD? If they did [roll]… The work would be going forward and many would be working.
So it is today in God’s Kingdom. Maybe just maybe, God wants families to work at being families. Mothers working at being a good mother to her children. A young man who has strength to take up a shovel and dig the foundations… Or a man with a hammer to hammer nails. Someone to clean the toilet bowls, and someone to cook. Someone to drive a truck, road grader, or make bricks. Someone to preach to encourage the workers and someone to bring spiritual rest by prophetic gifting.
But whatever the case… We just need to roll and when we do, God will show us the way..
I think by now you get the drift of this word.
Please consider this verse of scripture:
“Roll your works upon the LORD [commit and trust them wholly to him; he will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to his will, and so shall your plans be established and succeed,” Proverbs 16:3.
~ Desert Prophet Ken Dewey
The light will shine in His glory… In the desert.
PS: If you are led of the spirit to sow funds unto the LORD and to give to him,…. You may send offerings to out of the desert ministries, PO Bbox 223, Belen, New Mexico 87002. All the funds will be used for the Kingdom of God.
Evangelist/ Prophet/ Pastor Ken Dewey is the founder of “OUT OF THE DESERT MINISTRIES“ in Belen, New Mexico, USA. He writes on this Web Site, many Prophetic words, Sermons and teachings while leading people into true church settings and preaching in an End Time Gospel Ministry.
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