Enemies, of the Cross of Christ
Revelation, often does not come, until we are able and equipped to handle it. Most likely, when we are mature enough in the Spirit to rightly divide the Word of God. It seems apparent today, that there are many things we should have been talking about, a long time ago, but too many of us, kept drinking milk. Just as a natural child cannot grow and develop if it never has anything but milk, we also are likely to have serious spiritual lack, if we do not have a well balanced diet. We have a slogan in our society today; it says, “you are, what you eat.”
Beware of dogs. I’ve known for quite some time now, that Isaiah spoke about greedy dogs (Isaiah 56:11). Many today, do not believe that this prophet, was also talking about them; they prefer to leave that on the other side of the Cross. I wasn’t fully aware until today, that the Apostle Paul, made the same kind of comment. It’s rather strange just now, that I can recall a particular minister, way years back, that preached a message, “watch out for the dogs” (Philippians 3:2). Since he was not of our general persuasion or affiliation, most did not take his message seriously. The whole idea seems distasteful; it surely had to be talking about the world. But Paul, was writing here, to the church.
A dear elder here on Facebook said yesterday that religion, has not changed in the last two thousand years; he is right. We need to think about the fact, that in all the places where Jesus taught, in fact, everywhere He went, there were also Pharisees and even Scribes, sitting right in the midst. One translation, says that this term “dog,” is talking about the legalists. Legalists, are the ones who follow a strict, literal adherence to the law, or, a particular code, as of religion or morality. Another translator says, that they love the letter of the law, rather than its spirit. Knowingly or unknowingly, these also believe the doctrine, that salvation, is gained through good works; and -strict rules.
Since so many do not want to give credence to what the prophet Isaiah said, let’s continue with what the Apostle said. Before he finished this chapter, he talked a bit more about these people. He said, “whose God, is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame; who mind earthly things” (Philippians 3:19). In a more simple language, it means that their own desires, wants and needs, are more important, than God. Their aspirations, their desire for position and name, their comforts and preferences, are truly, what they are the most interested in; to include, power, control and places of authority.
May I stop and say something here? Before you desire to be used of God, you need to stop and do what many of us were taught to do, years back. And that is, to count the cost. If anyone thinks I enjoy talking about this issue, you couldn’t be more wrong. The very idea, that these kind of folk, are in the church, turns me off. The factual idea that there are wolves in the assembly also; often undetected and unhindered, distresses me even more. What might hurt the most, is that they were allowed to stay there and do so much harm; likely, because the watchman was too much out for their own kingdom; their own goals and desires.
We can be enemies to the very Cross, we say we love; proclaiming truth, but not acting like Jesus Christ.
Amen that is true. When a baby does not want to drink milk which is necessary for the building of his or her body, he or she will face complications with time. This is what is happening in today’s Church where by most 3/4 of believers are kwashiorkors because they were putting the milk (Word of God) in their mouths while they are fed inside the Church but once outside they throw it away (Matthew 13:3-7). Surprisingly, even among the True Christians (the Ten Virgins) the half of them are affected already (Matthew 25:2,12).