Ending 2024
Part 1
As you come towards the close of 2024, you must weigh yourself on the scale of ‘what could I do better?’
I know this from experience,that as you sit down to reflect on the year, The Holy Spirit will show you areas in your life that need you to do something about.
Yes — you!
Not your spouse,
Not your boss,
Not your friend,
Not your pastor,
But you!
These are areas that might have slowed you down,denied you opportunities, shut doors, ended a potential relationship, frustrated you,delayed you or even sabotaged you and they need you to deal with them.
You can’t run from this unless you want to remain stagnant in the next year.
You cannot remain where you are — you must MOVE!
There is so much opportunity to do it again and do it with more wisdom.
If you are honest,weigh yourself on that scale of ‘what could I do better?’
Get started now!
Part 2
In the remaining part of 2024, you will be appreciated, honored, shown unusual kindness and celebrated.
You will receive messages and calls from those who want to honor you and shower you with blessing.
Surprises are packaged for you and hearts are being softened for your sake.
Those who did not do these things before will be inspired to do it.
Something has changed to your advantage.
Heaven is commending you and it’s your season to say, “Thank you LORD!” (Imela Papa).
Get into your Thanksgiving mode!
~ Esther Hadassah
Revivalist & Apostolic servant of Jesus Christ
Esther Hadassah is an apostolic minister and an end-time revival preacher. She has been serving in full time prophetic ministry for the past three years. The LORD has called her to preach the message of the holiness and repentance and to set the captives free.
Sister Ester, thanks for your encouragement. It’s worth Considering. Amen
What a great answer to my prayers. So relieved to know that everything I pray for is ALWAYS heard and responded by GOD. I feel so good and heard from the ministry of Christ when HE hears and responds to me. Thank you so much for responding. Shalom