Dream Warning for Washington, DC
Last night while sleeping I had a dream. I was dreaming I had to post a word soon because someone was doing something and I must post to warn them. It was urgent. This dream just continued over and over (like many times a frustration dream will do until you wake up all frustrated). As I did awaken at 5:30 am I saw a vision of a map. I knew immediately it was Washington DC area that I was looking at and it was on USGS. Over the DC area I saw a Huge Red Spot. That is how Earthquakes show up on the Earthquake Map of USGS.
I got out of bed and begin to pray and I didn’t hear anything. I turned on the computer and looked at everything. Eventually I did read the News and saw where America is sending 47 million dollars to the Gaza Strip for humanitarian help. Then I read how John Kerry and Egypt is pressuring Israel to stop fighting in Gaza. We also know how the UN is also doing so. Then I read a news article about how the UN had given back discovered missiles to the Palestinians to use again against Israel.
I was reminded how the Lord did warn me back in 2011 when there was a 5+ MG Earthquake in Virginia that damaged buildings in Washington DC. One was the Washington Monument (was damaged and closed) and even the White House was cracked. The National Cathedral had two rising towers damaged as well. Remembering back it was during the time that President Obama went to the UN to declare that Israel should give back the Gaza Strip and give back the land claimed in the ’67 war. I remembered then the Lord saying IF AMERICA VOTES TO DIVIDE ISRAEL I WILL DIVIDE AMERICA. He has given me several words of warning about Earthquakes in America: California, East Coast and the New Madrid zone.
Upon thinking of these things I heard the Lord say TALK ABOUT THIS ON THE INTERNET.
I have done as the Lord has told me to do. I have posted this warning. I fully know that the Lord is upset today about the fact that this country is SUPPORTING TERRORIST and as well telling Israel it must allow the Palestinians to occupy the Gaza even if they keep sending rockets into Israel. The President of the United States and the Government Leaders are backing him it appears, to go against Israel now to help the terrorist kill Israelis, and have joined with the UN to sanction Israel. I read commentary on the news that is written asking the question: IS AMERICA NOT TURNING ON ISRAEL? Is America going to continue to support Israel now or will they join those who are enemies of Israel? It appears that they already have.
(PS. You must know that I have had a very strong word previously about a strong shaking (earthquake) in the DC Area that did really speak of coming horrific events in America.)
~ Desert Prophet Ken Dewey
Evangelist/Prophet/Pastor Ken Dewey is the founder of “OUT OF THE DESERT MINISTRIES” in Belen, New Mexico, USA. He writes on this Web Site, many Prophetic words, Sermons and teachings while leading people into true church settings and preaching in an End Time Gospel Ministry. NOTICE: One of the ways you can get involved in this OUT OF THE DESERT ARMY is to become a PARTNER or to GIVE A DONATION. We are believing God for many more Monthly Partners to stand with us in Monthly Giving and Offerings. If you have a desire to help and give, please know we need your help. God is sending people as I write to this place. We need your help and prayerful giving to enable us to do more for more people. Please send you pledge to becoming a Monthly Partner or to sow an offering into this Ground. To make a donation to OUT OF THE DESERT MINISTRIES please send to: PO BOX 223, BELEN, NEW MEXICO. PLEASE PRAY ABOUT SENDING A LOVE OFFERING TO SOMEONE WHO IS IN THE MIDST OF THE BATTLE FOR SOULS.. AND TO OPEN BLINDED EYES OF THOSE WHO ARE SLEEPING IN THE BODY OF CHRIST. WE NEED YOUR HELP TO DO ALL THAT GOD IS SAYING FOR US TO DO. THANK YOU ALL …
Genesis 12:3 (NKJV)
3 I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”