Dream of Eagles…. Divine Spiritual Connections!
Many years ago I had a dream of a rainstorm that was really hard and heavy. It was raining so hard that our yard, in the dream, almost looked like a lake of water. After the storm, the water was receding off and it was rushing from under the house through the yard as if it was draining or leveling off. Finally the storm ended and then I walked outside on a large wooden deck to see the aftermath of the storm.
As I was standing on the deck, there were birds that began to land on the deck all around me, it seemed like maybe hundreds; at first what came to mind is that these are birds that are engraved on coins; and as they landed, each one would then turn and look up at me abruptly as if they were saying ..”We are waiting on you.” I am thinking, “Why are they looking at me this way?” I then realized they were eagles. They were waiting on me to “grow and mature” and I still am growing and maturing.
As I write, you will understand why now God has given me to share this vision with many others. A lot has come of my life and ministry since this dream. There were times, even as a child I would have visions, dreams, and unctions and I didn’t realize or understand what it was until years later as this dream was apart of me understanding the meaning and the foundation of my life of ministry and work. There would be things that the Lord would show me spiritually.
One particular vision the Lord gave me to post in various places around my home back in the year 1999. It was a layout of my life and ministry and it has happen just as the Lord said it would. There are those in ministry who can bear witness to this account. This dream is just as vivid today as it was then. As long as it has been, I have only shared it with a few.
Sometimes later, I had a great urge and sense of just wanting more and more of understanding of what was going on. And one day around 1998, the Lord had me to come across several websites called “Prophets of the Spirit or where Eagles Gather” by Bill and Marsha Burns, what’s new at prophetic end-time ministries. Open heaven voice of prophecy. And many other sites. I also received emails from various ones that posted on these sites. And on this site there were very anointed seasoned prophetic men and women of God. Those whose words were discerning the times and seasons of the Lord. They were speaking and understanding the times and the move of God such as the sons of Issachar (1 Chronicles 12:32) and from that point on until this day, year in and year out, even before Facebook was thought of, I was following, feasting and gleaning on every word of these servants of God.
I would always try to encourage others to read or I would be so excited about what was being said and all of the confirmation from over the years, but very few shared my excitement. I right now have folders of printout after printout of Words by various ones of these from the different websites. Some were pinned up in different places around the house. Some may feel as if what they are saying is too wordy or long, but I am telling you, the words through these prophets have guided my life like a “lighthouse” and I know God led me to them! I know their prophetic voices and tones; I have gotten so use to them, that if someone read it without telling me the name, I would know through whom God is speaking. And now, God has led me to divine connections with the very people from whom I gleaned and learned from over the years. I have not just started to recognize prophetic voices from the Lord.
If no one else reads this, I am writing this to these men and women of God. Some of them from the sites have passed on but many are still living. And to those who are living, I want you to know, I know it gets hard and it feels that no one is listening, but you have some that are listening. You are mentors, eagles in the Spirit of God who are seasoned and have an ear and is in tune to the Heart of God. This is not saying that others are not, but I want to let you know, even before the internet got off the ground good, God had already connected us without your knowing.
Sometimes it gets discouraging, but this is to give you your flowers now while you can yet enjoy them. You need to know that you are needed and that your work in the Lord is fruitful!
Thank you Jill MacKillop, Phyllis Ford, Yolanda Ballard, Priscilla van Sutphin, Bill and Marshall Burns, Jo Ellan Stevens, Elaine Tavolacci, Susan O’Marra, Mary Clark, Dee Hoetmer, Glenn Ford, Bill Yount, Shelly and Brady Mathis, and many others. Thank you, God bless you, and I want you to know that your labor is not in vain. You will be rewarded for your obedience, faithfulness and ministry through the years. So to Yolanda Ballard, I have not just started to sit at the Fathers Feet.. I have been getting yours and other emails for years.. Thank you.
Please feel free to pass these to others.
– by Geraldine Coleman
Geraldine Coleman: Is a teacher and educator and ministers to prisoners at a prison facility where she is an instructor.
Thank you for saying it all through this message. Am glad to know that am passing through some how similar season. The Lord has also led me to above websites for my mentorship. Thank you Jesus!
I’M READING your prophecy! God lead me right too it and it’s exactly what I needed to read! He’s given something of an assignment to several people I know lately and called us “eagles” but we have been waiting on others. We couldn’t take a step yet because we are waiting. This is confirmation! We are waiting rightly! Thank you!
It’s also a confirmation that God has indeed been using prophecy online to speak…I’ve been going through archives of old prophecies asking Him which date to go to…I’m the only one I know who hears from Him that way! (So I questioned it.) You’ve confirmed that too! Someone else who does it! Thank you!
Dear Jess H,
All praise and glory be to the Lord God Almighty for His word!
Thank you for your testimony.
Blessings in Christ,
Romans 11:29 (NKJV)
For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.
Amen and your words & teaching as well Ms Coleman …. I look and glean & feel led by your word and the words of many you thanked – god bless you all