HomeProphecyWarning Dream: Intruder Alert!


Warning Dream: Intruder Alert! — 7 Comments

  1. OMGOODNESS…Yess! I see this msg right NOW in my life. Oh yes! Physically mentally & spiritually…intruder alert☝☝☝Bring down LORD the intruders cancelled demonic ASSIGNMENTS in JESUS NAME☝☝☝☝☝

  2. This reminds me of the wheat and the tares and the sheep and the goats . they will be separated at the end times . In the meantime , we must be prepared to recognise them , and not be deceived by them .

  3. This is very powerful revelation.  Thank you for sharing, so we His remnant children can be more aware. God bless.

  4. i totally agree with you Bev and have been thru and seen these things in our churches…..also while reading your post I saw wolves in sheeps clothing as people coming into these groups appearing to be holy but are not and being used by satan to intimidate and destroy a person, ministry or church..they to the eye seem holy and knowlegable but as you said pervert the word of God. they are puffed up boasters and proud people and will intervene in whatever satan tells them to do with no remorse. As im typing this ive never had so much trouble getting this word out…God bless you sister Bev keep up your work for the Lord

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