HomeProphecyDream Concerning President Donald J. Trump


Dream Concerning President Donald J. Trump — 16 Comments

  1. Thank you Veronica!  I have prayed for Trump, but after reading this, my prayers are going to be better and more consistent.  God bless you Veronica! Thank you Father and I pray and declare that the enemy can’t touch Trump because he is cover in the blood of Jesus!  Keep giving him strength Lord to fight this raging battle and keep showing us Lord how to Pray!

  2. I am not a fan of trump, but his enemies are our enemies and I was angry this morning reading that the attorney General in New york is looking to seize his assets. The sheer hypocrisy I wouldn’t be supprised that every real estate agent and lawyer is inflating values of apartments in New York. The sheer hypocrisy made me so cross this morning. One rule for. The wicked another for trump. Hilary Clinton is implicated in the murder of hundreds of journalists where is the justice? When is her court date? I might not like trumpsome of the things trump has said and done. But I am not a fool and he has my prayers, it’s clear that he’s under attack from the devil and the world is operating under a spirit of hypocrisy.

  3. Veronika, Thank you. You are always spot on but this word had me broken and sobbing for the one God assigned me to intercede for. I have shared it with many dedicated intercessors as we war with it and stand firm. God bless your obedient heart, Sandi Holman

  4. Thank you for your obedience and warfare for our rightful president Veronika. God bless you mightily and fill you with His joy and peace.

  5. Surely they have gathered against President Trump but not by Almighty God and they shall fall for Trumps sake and ours.  Isaiah 54:15;17 for no weapon formed against Donald Trump will prosper

  6. Amen! Fasting & Praying for President Donald J. Trump & his Family!  May all of their evil plans backfire on them. God Bless you Veronika!

  7. I’m praying.
    A friend of mine and I decided last weekend to make this Day (Wednesday) a day of fasting and praying, what timing….I’ve already been praying for Prsident Trump and the USA and will continue.
    God bless you Veronika, thank you!! :)

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