HomeProphecyDownloads, Dreams and Songs in the Night for Nations


Downloads, Dreams and Songs in the Night for Nations — 1 Comment

  1. Thank you. One step a a time. Speak to the mountain…it reminds me of a song that is on one of the Gathers dvds…”Speak to the mountain, “you don’t triumph over me, be thou removed, from here to under, dissappear into the sea!” Speak to the mountain, speak with authority! And the mountain must move! And you shall gain victory!” Amen! My heart goes out to all that lost their lives these times…but as I think of them…a thought came to mind…they are asleep now and we will see each other in that glorious assembly with Jesus the Lord of lords not too long from now. Take courage. We will see them all with Jesus the Lord one of these days when all will be reunited and lifted up together! This life is a short breath. We will see them all that were murdered for Christs name, we will see them again…when we all meet together on that glorious day! They are alive…they are not dead. For the Lord God is the God of the living and not the dead. Man cannot take life. God is life. Those in Him have everlasting life. They do not die. We praise You Lord God Almighty, our very Life! Amen.