HomeProphecy“Don’t Worry About Tomorrow! I AM Already There!”


“Don’t Worry About Tomorrow! I AM Already There!” — 4 Comments

  1. Dear Deborah, thank you for your encouragement. I really want to reap what I have sown until now in God’s time. Last month, my mom was hospitalized to get a wrist surgery. I had to take care of her for 9 nights. Actually, she has been against God’s plan toward me for 30 years because she thought it would be a hard and dangerous thing. She always wanted me to give up my calling, North Korea mission from God. Surprisingly, while in the hospital, God gave her some visions. In the first vision, she toured so many places in Heaven for some time. She said that it was so beautiful that she couldn’t close her mouth. It is said that she was able to choose a dress, a bag, a hat, etc. as she wanted. In the second vision, she was a first daughter/an observor, who was watching her father and her younger sister working in a mountain. Mom told me that she had seen a series of huge, dark mountains ahead of her. The situation was that her father made her younger sister cultivate all the fields in the huge mountains. She felt so sorry that her younger sister seemed to be overworked by her father. Mom told me that she was angry because of her father’s exploit on her younger sister. I asked mom what her younger sister was doing in the vision. Mom said that she was taking a rest sitting on a rock after getting all the work done. But mom was so sad again because there were more work left like sowing and harvesting. She thought it would be a hugh work to do and felt displeased with her father again. Mom was a farmer for almost 20 years, so she knows about farming physically more than anyone else. Through this vision, I was able to figure out her spiritual emotion and my situation well. I tried to make mom understand God’s farming in the Bible and be peaceful in Him. I thanked God for such a woderful experience between mom and I. God know All.

  2. Thank you Deborah, this was a word in due season for me today. It was like the Lord had stored up His encouragement for me and today it came from several different saints. Your word was one of them.

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