Don’t Let the Enemy Steal Your Voice!
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I feel The LORD saying, “Don’t let the enemy silence what I have put inside of you, for it is My Voice that is inside of you.
And whoever tries to silence you, silences My Voice, and they are My enemy.
Don’t let the enemy steal your voice!
I have put My Word within you and I AM the Word. Don’t let them shut up My Words,” says The LORD.
“Let My Word spring forth. Let it bring life. Let it bring life in the desert.
Don’t let your adversary silence your words and bring death. Silence brings death. Silence allows the enemy to overtake your land and bring death.
But you must rise up in this hour. You must speak forth My Word, because My Word is like a hammer that smashes the enemy, the evil to pieces.
Can you see the advancement of your adversary coming forward, and forward and bringing new laws and new destruction in your land?
I say, Rise up in this hour!
I say, Let your voice go out in this hour.
Trample on your enemy, cut off his head. I have given you the power to trample on serpents and scorpions,” says The LORD.
“So you must go out with My Word. My Word is a sword in your mouth.
“Go out and I will cut down, I will cut down all those things that the enemy has set up in high places. When you speak My Word in those places, you will cut those high places down,” says The LORD.
“I want to flow like a river in the desert. I want to flow with My Glory and My Spirit throughout your land. So you must rise up in this hour and allow Me to speak.
Let My Voice be released and out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water,” says The LORD Almighty.
~ Heidi Bryden
Heidi Bryden is a devout follower of The LORD Jesus Christ, whose desire is to hear and obey the calling on her life to serve Him, through sharing what the Holy Spirit impresses upon her through poems, dreams, and words of knowledge.
HEIDI I LIKE IT “My Word is like a hammer that smash’s the enemy, “
If only we would use it!
Praise the I AM.