Don’t Let the Devil Get Away With It!
One of the things I enjoy doing is people watching.
I love people’s faces, because they tell you so much about the person they belong to. But I’ve noticed something lately.
So many seem to have such sad, hopeless countenances and I’m sure it’s because they look at the world around them, or spend time watching the news which spews nothing but fear.
I can understand someone who doesn’t know The LORD looking sad because they haven’t found their hope yet.
But, what’s up with the Christians I see moping around, complaining about all that’s going on? What?
I’m totally shocked by people who don’t know that we’ve been born into The Kingdom for such a time as this!
We have The Holy Spirit living inside of us and the Presence of God in us can change the atmosphere!
As God’s Presence carriers we should be the ones who affect change in our surroundings. We should prayer powerful prayers which shake the devil’s kingdom and put the enemy on the run!
Why do we ring our hands looking at what the enemy is doing?
There were powerful intercessors like Reese Howells who affected military outcomes during the World War 2. Mary Queen of Scots feared the prayers of John Knox more than all of the English army.
Prayer is a weapon!
Yes, the devil is roaring because he knows his time is very short, but are we, as Kingdom children, supposed to let him run roughshod over us? NO! NO! NO!!
I actually had a very dear godly woman tell me that if we pray against what the enemy is doing, we’d be praying against the will of God, because the Bible says that these days will come.
God certainly does say that in His Word, but are we supposed to try to help the devil steal, kill and destroy like he’s been doing? We are certainly NOT!
There is still a lot of work to do in the Kingdom before He returns. There are millions left to be saved and we should be praying for their salvation and for the enemy to be silenced and restrained.
We need to take as many people to Heaven with us as we can because that’s all we can take with us!
We need to remember who we are and to Whom we belong and remember that He is always with us and goes before us in anything we do for Him. The enemy will not escape judgement!
We need to be vigilant and sober and fight back against what the enemy is doing. Bombard Heaven with your prayers; tell the devil: “No More! Enough is enough!”
This is a great verse to remember:
“For the eyes of The LORD are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of The LORD is against those who do evil.” 1 Peter 3:12
Be on guard and always on the lookout. AND… keep looking up because your redemption draws nigh!
~ Linda G Bennett
Linda G Bennett came to The LORD in 1982 and has seen much Deliverance and Healing of her own heart since, as God gave her a passion to see others set free and forgiven from their pasts.
With husband Chris, they operate The Upper Room Encounter, a Prophetic, Healing and Deliverance Ministry and a new Mandate The LORD gave, to plant stakes and reclaim territory from the enemy, and to open old Wells of Revival which He shows them.
Great word and reminder!
Thank you
Linda, thanks for all the clarity this word brings to those who seem to vacillate in confusion about warfare. Indeed, THERE IS STILL A LOT OF WORK TO DO!! HE never said lay down and give the devil full reign even though the word did warn us as you stated in your conversation with the lady.BUT HELLO, He did give us weapons to defeat what the devil is doing. HELP us LORD to be VIGILANT watchers and intercessors and follow the pattern of the Rees Howells that laid the groundwork and demonstrated what a real intercessor is and how much it would cost!! Much love, Sandi
Thank you Linda for this straightforward word. Right on point of always plowing in hope! Many souls for us to still reach
We are never to give up bombarding heaven! Prayer is a most effective weapon
God bless you.