Don’t Let Fear Have the Last Word!
Go! Go! Go!
Though the battle rages,
We will stand in the fight.
Though the armies rise up against us on all sides,
We will not be shaken!
Eagles rising in new strength and soaring in the spirit of the Father!
I hear his voice this morning say so clearly, “Go! Go! Go! From the North, South, East and West take flight and soar for the King of kings!”
* * * * * * *
You see, fear is big.
It can be bold, it sure can be loud, and it has no qualms about making itself known.
It envelops you much like a dark consuming cloud until it seems there is no way out, no possible path to escape. It seems no light is anywhere in sight!
In those moments, we often do need to hear “Courage, dear heart,” a loving call for courage in the face of great darkness and fear.
What carries us beyond those moments is the realization that fear doesn’t tell the whole story. It doesn’t even tell a true story. It is not the end of your story like it wants you to believe.
So many of the things we fear have no basis in reality. They are lies imprinted into our minds and hearts because of things we have heard and believed, things we have experienced, and things the devil wants you to think.
They may be big and bold and hard to ignore at the time, but they are still lying. The enemy is the father of all lies.
Fear wants to keep you trapped. It wants to keep you sailing around in this darkness, afraid of sleep, afraid of life, afraid of anything that frees you.
It will steal your joy and strength and make you to feel only numb to everything. It will hold you captive if you allow it to hold the key to that prison cell in your mind.
“Have courage, dear heart, for there is nothing to be afraid of and never has been.”
But oh, dear heart, you were created for so much more. You were created to love big, to move mountains and slay giants, to conquer these walls and do such beautiful things.
You were created by a loving God who beat back everything worth being afraid of so you could live your life abundantly, with boldness and confidence, because you are dearly loved and adored by the King of all Kings.
Don’t let fear have the last word!
Don’t let fear have any word concerning you!
It doesn’t get to tell the story about who you are and what you are capable of.
It does not determine your Kingdom destiny. You are loved deeply and fiercely and the world needs every courageous bit of you.
Have courage, dear heart, for there is nothing to be afraid of and never has been.
~ Dana Jarvis
Dana Jarvis has a calling upon her life and Hezekiah’s Wall Ministry came from a Word the LORD spoke to her. His words resonated in her Spirit and is what Hezekiah’s Wall Ministry is all about ~ to Equip, Empower, Encourage, and Raise Up his Sons and Daughters for such a time as this!
A Prophetic Seer/ Intercessor, Minister, Author & Christian Coach/ Prophetic Mentor, Dana is blessed by Abba to be one of His Leading Ladies for such a time as this. Feel free to contact Dana as she would love to hear from you!
Praise the Lord Dana. Thank you A very timely word
Im still numb of fear but i hope these words move my heart permanently.