Don’t Fret About Your Unknown Future
“Don’t fret about your unknown future,” says The LORD.
“It is known by Me. I have planned and prepared for every moment of your earthly sojourn, and you need not worry.
“I know the way that you take, and I will order every step. Forsake the fear, abandon the unbelief and forget the negative voices of every naysayer.
“The opinions of others will disrupt your peace, for there is no end to them. They will advise you of what you are to do when they cannot even come up with solutions for themselves.
“WHY would you want to lean on the arms of the flesh that can only do fleshly things?” says The LORD.
“Lean on Me, who knows you, knows every situation that exists now and that which is unknown to you,” says The LORD.
“For nothing is a problem to Me. Nothing is beyond My infinite understanding, and nothing can puzzle Me. I AM above all and on spot for everything that pertains to your life.
“I will not need you to wring your hands or spend endless hours fretting about things you cannot understand or control.
“TRUST that I have it, as well as you, and you are never without My perfect plan for your every moment of your life, says the LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Yessssss, woohoo. Glory to our King. Thank you so much.