Do You Realize You Are a Powerhouse of God?
Do you realize you are a POWERHOUSE?
Then just what does the reality of that LOOK like to you?
Just stop — and envision yourself as a House filled with Power. Darkness hates to see you coming!
You are an instrument of His power and might on this earth. “This is your HOUR of POWER for I AM turning the Power to full throttle in your House” says The LORD.
The POWER of His blood placed over your door brings PASSOVER. The enemy has no entrance to your HOUSE.
You are a HOUSE of PRAYER. Your Powerful Prayer will send a big POW to the Prisoners of WAR.
In this time of what seemed like a catastrophe, accept it as a divine isolation and make this moment count.
Let the anointing fire ignite your heart afresh for the harvest is ready and you too shall be preparing like the five wise virgins.
“I AM filling your up with fresh oil and preparing your heart to be my POWERHOUSE to many,” says The Spirit of Power and Might.
Have you taken time to stop and ponder the reality of this one thing?
Have you even WONDERED that the whole world has been put on PAUSE to see the SIGN and WONDER of the POWER of God in this moment?
Yes, we are witnessing the WONDER of a SUDDEN Change that has the attention of the World.
Beloved, HE has got the Whole world in HIS Hands. This is the true beginning of Signs and Wonders that will continue.
I hear HIS voice clearly saying, “I AM sounding out my message today that I AM the God of Turnaround and I AM turning it all around for your good, and in the day you are seeing it all upside down.
I AM bringing the down side up, for I AM bringing everything full circle, as I set everything in divine order for your new beginning,” says the Creator of all things.
Is it any WONDER that the spirit of darkness is trembling with the Fear of The LORD?
The shaking and quaking of the GOD of WONDER shall result in the destruction of the spirit of FEAR and show forth Love and Power.
“Many more signs and wonders shall follow this time of PASSOVER as you press into the new ERA of my great outpouring of the Reign of My presence on the Earth as my golden glow of my Glory is seen by all,” says The LORD of all.
Just as we celebrate Passover, like a whirlwind, we shall witness the burning fire of the Father’s love for his family. In the twinkling of an eye, He will turn it all around for good.
The best is coming!
Let the whirlwind of HIS awakening go forth in the power of might.
Release the fire of His presence, let the fire of His love change the atmosphere and watch it burn up all the work of the enemy.
“He flees because of My Presence and it is within you,” says The LORD.
You have this treasure in earthen vessels is what the Father said….. We are to stir up the gift that is in us.
“And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, “ALL POWER is given unto Me in heaven and in earth.”“ Matthew 28:18.
~ Sandi Holman
Sandi Holman of Matters of the Heart website was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of The LORD Ministries came from a divine encounter with The LORD when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.
Oh how awesome; how POWERFUL! This word resonates with what the Holy Spirit has been speaking to me in this season of change. Thank you for your faithful service Sandy as you bring His confirmation to many. Blessings! :)
Tak Herre