Do You Hear The LORD Calling Your Name?
The LORD brought to my mind today a Word He gave me in December 2019 published here in HKP.
As I pondered the title, “First Responders, Step Up”, I heard The LORD speak clearly to me, “I have been calling my remnant bride out by name.
Some are listening intently with both their hearts and ears but many it seems are turning a ‘deaf ear’ to my still, small voice and my voice is being drowned out by the flood waters of the world,” says The Father.
“My army will always be recognized by their ‘on call obedience’ to rise to My Command. I AM gathering My Troops to come together for the establishing of a beachhead.
It is time to occupy until they hear My Instructions to advance forward,” instructs the Captain of The LORD of Hosts.
“Just as I spoke earlier of ‘First Responders’, I say the first responders shall make history in this hour and shall be remembered as ‘lifeguards and ‘real-life heroes of the faith’.
Their training has been intense and truly diversified and fined tuned to maintain a disciplined mindset to reach the unreached and see the unseen in this mind-blinding war on truth and freedom,” says The LORD of Glory. : First re·spond·er :someone designated or trained to respond to an emergency . the lifeguards are trained as first respond
First Responder : is a real-life superhero. They’re someone whose job is to respond immediately (first) when there is an accident or emergency.
“I AM the one who has carried you in times of deep sorrow and unending turmoil and trouble and I AM raising up those in these last waves of My Glory who will leave their footprints in the sand as well for they are my First Responder prayer warriors who have been faithful on their watch, who have not wavered in the waves of trauma that have come to knock down and drown my people in a sea of hopelessness.
I see the heart of those who are striving to ride the waves to the shoreline endeavoring to leave footprints on the sands of time,” says the Creator. ”
“Make haste to make every moment count for time is fleeting and the hour is late!”exhorts The Father.
“It is time to rally together and step out your comfort zone and allow me to give you comfort in the uncomfortable,” says The One Who is Grace and Mercy, “for I AM here to help you sort out the emotional turbulence that has brought you to a place of denial and dread of all your tomorrows.
Just as you read in the Psalms how David learned to praise and worship, he also struggled and wrestled his way through doubt and despair finding hope for tomorrow and a pathway of light that brought change in the Psalms” says The Father.
“You will find in this time of sorrows great comfort in Psalms 138:2,7-12 confirmation of all I AM speaking to you that no matter where you flee, I AM there to express how deeply my love is for you as I AM continually revealing your uniqueness as well as your purpose designed just for you.
I AM long-suffering and My Plan for you is always for good,” says The Most High God.
“Look for me in your deepest struggles for I AM there to reveal myself in the midst of your trials”
I am inserting here an excerpt from the Word I gave here on HKP “First Responders, Step Up”.
“The LORD is gathering together those in His army who are always “on call” no matter what!
He is saying, “I AM calling you by name. You are known in heaven as First Responders, and in this season, you will experience a heightened awareness of the five senses as your seer gift is being more highly developed.
You are receiving an expanded vision of reaching those that others have cast aside and you shall carry an anointing for miracles because of your gift of faith.
You shall soon hear in your spirit, “next up” and know that it is time to run with the vision. You have been challenged and you have been tested, you have suffered much.
You shall see yourself as my radiant remnant warrior bride, dressed in new array for this upcoming era when Victory in Jesus shall be the song that rises to the hit parade on the hearts of mankind as they witness the results of the past season of preparation.”
“Your challenges have forged courage in your spirit. You suffering has developed the strength that only long suffering provides as it has allowed patience to have her perfect work that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing.
Indeed, you being conformed to His death shall release the power of His resurrection.
Your gift of faith has taught you how to live above the circumstances with greater expectancy, and has driven out all of the deceptive lies sent by the spirit of fear.
Your heart is being so filled with Calvary love to go forth as HIS fragrance that eradicates the spirit of death at work in those captured by every form of fear.
So freedom shall be released as perfect love casts out fear. Even with the backlashes and new battles that were brought forth in the past shift as separation began to purify hearts, My Light present in you shall dispel all the darkness as you are walking in the depths and heights of My Purpose.
Know this, the shift has elevated your position and new networks and connections for unity and agreement are now on your grid.”
I leave you with this beautiful poem.
It not only is a picture of the one who carries us … but also of those real-life heroes of the faith who will leave their footprints in the sand as well.
Footprints in the Sand
Picture With Poem (copyright unkonwn)
“A legal battle is brewing over who owns the rights to the inspirational story. The tale of walking on the beach with Jesus shows up on posters, coffee mugs and candles, but it’s unclear who owns the copyright.” It is used here for editorial illustrative purposes only and no copytright is claimed.
~ Sandi Holman
Sandi Holman was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of The LORD Ministries came from a divine encounter with The LORD when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.
Every word of this spoke to my heart, Sandi and has left me speechless. It is so hard just to pull one thing out, as it is all so very rich from the Father. Still.. I say yes, Lord!
“It is time to rally together and step out your comfort zone and allow me to give you comfort in the uncomfortable,” says The One Who is Grace and Mercy, “for I AM here to help you sort out the emotional turbulence that has brought you to a place of denial and dread of all your tomorrows.”
I surrender afresh and anew this day, Lord.
Much love, hugs and blessing, Joyce
Thanks for sharing.
THE LORD bless you and keep you. Amen.
I think the term “First Responders” is very apt indeed, because many in the remnant church are going to have to work in triage. When the depth and the scale of the present deception is revealed, there will be many hurt and confused people both inside and outside the church. There will be a need to operate in the gifts of healing for the body as well as for the soul and spirit.
Yes! Amen @Mark Roberts!
I can feel the release of His “healing like rain”
as we bind up “their heart wounds” He will set captives FREE!
(see Isaiah 61) ….
Luke 4:18,19 tPt
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and he has anointed me to be hope for the poor, {healing} for the brokenhearted, and new eyes for the blind, and to preach to prisoners, ‘You are set free!’ I have come to share the message of Jubilee, for the time of God’s great acceptance has begun.”
Isaiah 45:8 AMP
Let fall in showers, you heavens, from above, and let the skies rain down righteousness [the pure, spiritual, heaven-born possibilities that have their foundation in the holy being of God]; let the earth open, and let them [skies and earth] sprout forth salvation, and let righteousness germinate and spring up together; I the Lord have created it.!
Multiplied Blessings!
Recieved!! Hallelulah!! :)
Thank you Sandi, bless your beautiful heart!!
Yes Indeed Cheri!
Thank you dear Sandi❣️
“Our Marching Orders”!!!