Do Not Underestimate Me!
“Do not underestimate Me and what I AM doing in your life,” says The LORD.
“For everything that I have created is very significant, and has purpose. I do not create things to be wasted and unproductive.
“I have formed you and placed you and empowered you by My Spirit in you to do the Work that I have called you to do. Do not underestimate what I have given you or call yourself useless,” says The LORD.
“For you are fearfully and wonderfully made,” says The LORD.
“My own hands have formed you, and the breath of My Spirit is in you.
“My light is in you and I have made you to be light, even as I AM. Your value is in Me, who purposed for you. You are not an “oops.” You are precious in My sight.
“I AM in the midst of you and will perfect what concerns you. I will complete you and furnish you for every good work that I have called you to do that is not small, but great,” says The LORD.
First Published: June11, 2017.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Amen. Great is His faithfulness!
Thank You Father God. For years The Lord tells me over and over in all and everything I went through that it all is for a purpose and a reason. No oopsies. Nothing that happens to us even though we don’t understand it, is an oops.Blessings to you June,and thank you.
Thank you Abba. I believe and receive this message. Your will be done in my life. You will perfect all that concern me. Psalm 138:8. Abba you get the glory.
Thank you, blessings.
My mother conceived my while on birth control. Thank you; I am not an “oops”! I am precious in God’s eyes.