Declare My Word!
“Since I have given you the power and authority to speak to a mountain and cast it into the sea, as you believe, then you can remove the obstacles in your life by speaking to them and commanding them to be gone,” says The LORD.
“Only believe. Put voice to your faith and speak to your situations. They are not as big as a mountain that is subject to your command, and they too are not impossible to move out of your way,” says The LORD.
“Use what I have given you, and know that I will back My Name that I have given you to use, and I will back your declaration of faith, and I will back My Word that is in your mouth,” says The LORD.
“You will not only be able to clear the path ahead of you of anything the enemy puts in the way to try to stop you from moving forward, but you will become a trail blazer,o for others.
“For your victories are not just for yourself, but you will minister deliverance to others in My Name, by My Spirit,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Amen. Hallelujah♡
Yes, Lord. I will voice Your Word in faith.
Amen !