HomeDeclaration & DecreesDeclarations & Decrees: God Draws You Near


Declarations & Decrees: God Draws You Near — 2 Comments

  1. A revolution within this Body is on the verge… say the words, and I will go where You send me, and say what You want me to say, Almighty, Most Holy Creator of all that is seen and unseen.

    Let Your truth go forward and Your Spirit, lead the way!

  2. Thank you, dear sister Dawn. Isaiah 35 speaks aloud this day. I am strenghtend by these words. The hunting, chasing, plotting and disgracing “rulers” will soon get what they deserve.
    During Michael Smith’s powerful song “Prepare ye the way” when I listened and sang loud this morning, rain started to fall and sunshine came also through, just when we sang HE REIGNS…! Again the stalkers laid out stones in our home and waste around of the places where we walk, and sticks and cords. “My” little ministry here is for them a sick game. BUT FOR ME AND MY GOD IT NEVER WAS A GAME. IT WAS AND IS HOLY AND THE TRUTH.
    All the disgrace, all the lies, all their offending schemes are recorded in heaven. I am very glad that soon when the 6th seal is opened (thanks to brother Ken) those who wanted to strip and rip us naked and into pieces, will get His response !

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