HomeProphecyDamascus Destruction and World War Three


Damascus Destruction and World War Three — 4 Comments

  1. this will see the Word come to fruition that the oldest city in the bible and world will be no more. And it will come to pass…

  2. How many years ago did we learn about the destruction of Damascus with Israel being blamed: and then Ezekiel 38 followed by the peace treaty & rebuilding the temple.
    Here we are in the last days, beyond any reasonable doubt!
    Blessings & thank you, Veronika!

  3. Veronika, this so got y attention to call upon the Lord as in Jeremiah that my husband quotes to me daily. What a serious truth we are seeing before our eyes. Thank your for your obedient heart. Many blessings, Sandi

  4. Veronika,

    As soon as I saw your post, I thought of Jeremiah 49:23, where the prophet speaks of Damascus being destroyed. And again, mentioning Jeremiah, chapter 33:3 – the Lord tells us to call upon His Name.

    Things have/are coming to a ‘boiling point’ – and as the Word tells us, Israel is the key to many events about to unfold. Thank you Veronika, for your intercession for the nations.


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