Crossing Over Into a New Season!
There is a time for everything and every activity under the Heavens.
Life has many seasons. There are seasons of dreaming, periods of preparation, times of silence and a time of rest.
I feel a crossing over into a new season just ahead. It is a season of possessing your promise!
Some of us have been in the desert for quite a while now. You have been through a season of testing where God has allowed circumstance, people and spiritual enemies to dig deep into your faith.
Your weaknesses have been examined and your brokenness made very clear. You have been shaken, but your still here.
You have been intimidated, but you shall overcome. You have been through sorrows, but God has comforted you!
So now you need to recognize, the hard season has to end and will not go on for ever!
It was just a season. After the night, comes the day. After winter, comes spring. After mourning, comes joy.
You do not camp out in the valley of shadows, you go through it into your next season.
For those that are going through a season of pain and struggles that seem unbearable.
I see each of you as a soldier who has just made their way through the blazing heat of the desert, only to find freezing temperatures in the sleepless hours of the night.
You have climbed your way through lofty hills of sand – loose, deep sand, into which you have sunk, just like it was an untrod snow bank, with even greater distress from uneven and menacing places that you have had to walk the distance.
You are not that warrior or soldier today in the heat of battle and treading the cold, hard ground.
Today, you are His Beloved Child whom the Father is beckoning at this moment to climb up into his arms to find the rest and peace you so desperately need.
I hear the voice of the LORD say, “Come unto me and rest! I have a special place for you in the hollow of My Hand.
Forget about the battle for you are here with me Mow. Just Rest!”
~ Dana Jarvis
Dana Jarvis has a calling upon her life and Hezekiah’s Wall Ministry came from a Word the LORD spoke to her. His words resonated in her Spirit and is what Hezekiah’s Wall Ministry is all about ~ to Equip, Empower, Encourage, and Raise Up his Sons and Daughters for such a time as this!
A Prophetic Seer/ Intercessor, Minister, Author & Christian Coach/ Prophetic Mentor, Dana is blessed by Abba to be one of His Leading Ladies for such a time as this. Feel free to contact Dana as she would love to hear from you!