HomeProphecyCount Your Blessings and Be Thankful


Count Your Blessings and Be Thankful — 4 Comments

  1. Sister, before I even read your article, I thought I will respond with “Yes, I am thankful”. Then saw the multiple I AM…. This morning I stood with tears in the garden and prayed about a special concern. I saw dew in the grass sparkling in the sunlight bright as diamonds. I love the colours of Spring (as well as I love Winter and snow) and picked up some wild flowers and placed them onto my table. Went to a town 30 miles away, for a private further education. All the way I was guided by His angels and I am very grateful, for water, bread and for everything. I made an exam with 5,75 from 6, better than the younger classmates, but I encouraged them all, made them smile and gave honour to the Anatomy teacher.

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