Continual Blessings
“You are blessed coming in and coming out,” says The LORD.
“I AM the source of your continual blessings. I AM with you wherever you go and whatever you put your hands to do, as you fully yield to My voice on the inside of you and allow Me to direct your path.
“I will give you My Spirit of Wisdom and counsel, and cause your mind to be renewed and fruitful of that which I AM speaking.
“I will direct your path and cause you to prosper in all things as you listen to My Voice and believe and obey what I AM speaking.
“Let My Voice guide you continually, for I will never lead you astray and I will never allow you to fall as you abandon your lower ways to My highest calling, and your lower thoughts to My superior thoughts, and silence the voices of others and your own to hear Mine,” say The LORD.
“There is never a time when I will not speak and I will confirm My WORD to you if you ask and believe,” says The LORD.
“Do not go in your own strength or wisdom or the mere counsel of man, for when you do you will be walking in the inferior flesh and not My Spirit. I have bigger ideas and plans for your life than you could ever imagine.
“My superior counsel will lead you to life that is abundant and free . I will always direct your path in righteousness and there will never be a question about integrity with what I AM directing.
“You will never need to wonder if My ways will work. For My ways always tend to life and liberty and blessings that will overtake you and there will be no sorrow attached to what I give, and no boundaries or limitations to then.
“My Blessings are inexhaustible, and you can receive them perpetually without interruption as you listen to My voice and do My bidding and continue to faithfully follow Me,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
So Good You are Father. Thank You for speaking to me in so many different ways and through so many different sources.
I pray for discernment in this hour Abba, strong Discernment, Wisdom, and Understanding, for me and Your Righteous Elect.