

Conflagration! — 8 Comments

  1. Thank You Lord for Confirming YOUR Word & Establishing it out of the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses- as YOUR Word is going Forth as a consuming Fire!  YES, the Lord HAS & ALWAYS WILL Watch Over HIS Word to Perform IT- and HIS HOLY FIRE will DESTROY Everything that is ‘NOT of HIM- NO NATTER WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!! HALLELUJAH!!! This is The HOUR of HIS GREAT AWAKENING to WHAT THE LORD IS DOING AND WHAT HE IS ABOUT TO DO – ALL TO THE GLORY OF GOD.  THANK YOU LORD THAT ‘YOUR JUSTICE SHALL PREVAIL IN THE EARTH! As a Holy Spirit Filled,Fire Baptized, Born Again Believer of the Lord Jesus Christ- I rejoice with You for the GREAT REFORMATION That is already Happening ,as the Lord bringing Forth HIS Great Alignment in every Area of society. Also, Priscilla, can you please explain to me exactly what you mean by “their ‘black awakening?” ☝ BLESSINGS….

  2. Priscilla –

    The Lord’s intentions and sovereign decrees are so well put here. You sat with the Lord- and cried out to Him – often. And He has rewarded His servant with a pure Word. Nothing else to say but “Hallelujah- what a Mighty God we serve”. Blessings

  3. Pris, WOW, WOW, WOW! Where do I begin? What a word. “Thus, I AM about to make a course correction for those on the path to their own destruction.” and then I saw His right hand?! When You said, “My Conflagration will burn up all that cannot withstand the test! In my quest, I will also burn up every chain on those who are My Own or Elect — and you will taste and see that The LORD is good! You will hear and see things you never thought you would in heavenly realms coming to the earth. Do not think I will do nothing! I will destroy their New World Order, their black awakening! and I will destroy every ramparts of the enemy, and keep them from being able to carry out his full plan!”!! That pretty much sums up His all knowing plan. Thank you for your faithful heart that listens night and day and sends the word! What a watchman, my faithful friend. Happiest of years to you this year. May His blessings simply overtake you, my dear friend, xoxo Sandi

  4. Dea Priscilla thank you for posting this awesome and timely Word from the Lord we all need.  I am reading and meditating on the Word like never before until that Word penetrates in me like fire in my bones and believe all He has for us.  I receive this confirmation from the Lord and thank you again.  May the Lord increase your anointing and bless you beyond measure!!!

  5. Good word as always, dear Priscilla…
    I wish you, Faithful One, a blessed year for your birthday, yesterday! May your cup be filled to overflow in the year 2025!

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