Come Up Higher!
“Raise your sights higher, not lower!” says The LORD.
“It is time for you to dream again. It is time for you to believe Me for the impossible. It is time for you to embrace by faith the unimaginable.
“It is time for a greater Vision that is unlimited, unrestricted, unsettling. For I do not want you to settle into what you have already seen, heard, experienced or possessed.
“For that will become stagnation, and you will become complacent and comfortable and just coast. I did not intend for you to sit still and do what takes no faith and trust.
“I did not tell you to do what requires no cost, no risk, no effort, no advancement. I want to expand your vision, your boarders, your territories, not to make you look good or to build a kingdom for your name or give you increase for your own purpose, but for My Kingdom,” says The LORD.
“Come up higher so that you can see beyond what you have seen, and have greater vision,” says The LORD.
“For there is much more for you to embrace that you have not yet handled. There is much for you to see that your eyes have not seen.
“There is much more for you do for My Kingdom that is without end! You have not come to a dead end street, but you must come to the end of your own thoughts that are lower, your own inferior plans.
“Abandon them for what I have for you to be and to do. Arise and ascend into My Presence and look beyond the narrow and confined things that are no longer fulfilling to you.
“What you have done is not an end in itself, but as you see beyond yourself and what is, you will press forward into a new beginning with a new vision to do new things that I have assigned for you in new places that you have not yet seen, so that your territory is enlarged and your dwelling broadened and your works greater, and your harvest expanded,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
…yes Lord.