CNN ~ Finding Jesus
CNN ~ Finding Jesus – Faith Fact Forgery.
Tune in to see the fake lie that has been told down through time….
The world stills gives us an image of a born man…. But still gives His wrong identity…..
The world continues to lie and send the wrong subliminal message to the masses….
And just because they say something and try to appear as if they have “All knowledge”, that think everyone should believe it….
If His color does not matter, then why continue to give us men of other ethnicities? This is not to be racist or controversial…. but it is for the truth.
Christ was born from the tribe of Judah and the Davidic royal line of David. The Hebrews were so called “Black” people in the bible.
Now some may not like this or still be in denial of the truth, but Israel sits on the continent of Africa, there is no such thing as the middle east in the bible…
You will be amazed of how much of history that have been told and in books are pure lies just for certain groups to get ahead in this world… but there is a lot of truth that will come forth in this year of 2019….
And the truth is a hard pill to swallow. But God is going to serve it up anyway for the entire world to see!
And I am not just speaking from emotions but from truth…. God will charge me if I deliberately lie to mislead and I will not willingly lie and put myself under judgement of The Almighty God!
I will speak on this more at a later time.
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HKP Note:
For those who are unfamiliar with the CNN‘s series – Finding Jesus, please click link to CNN or refer to the following World Magazine article:
Finding Jesus: by ©Megan Basham – Post Date: March 6, 2015.
“Though television specials about Jesus are as ubiquitous to the Easter season as bunny rabbits, CNN’s six-part series, Finding Jesus: Faith, Fact, Forgery manages to find a unique angle. Rather than retelling Gospel accounts of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection, it focuses on six ancient relics long purported to be associated with Him.
The first episode, for example, investigates the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin. It’s a mildly diverting inquiry that ends about where any reasonably skeptical viewer would expect it to. The real problem, however, isn’t that CNN is trumpeting a headline that was old news 25 years ago. It’s the conclusions the producers draw from their investigation.
More than once, one of the show’s experts conjectures in breathless tones over melodramatic music that should the shroud prove genuine, it will also prove Jesus actually existed. That’s just silly.
While there’s plenty of debate over who Jesus was, no serious historian doubts whether He was an actual historical figure. CNN’s suggestion that authenticating a soiled piece of linen also authenticates that a Nazarene named Jesus lived in the first century is at best a bit of simpleminded theatrics. At worst, it suggests to the biblically uneducated viewer that if the shroud isn’t real, then there was never a real Jesus Christ either.
Likewise, Christian viewers could take some comfort from CNN’s effort to include believers among its lineup of scholars. Unfortunately when, despite all the glaring evidence against it, one archaeologist claims to “believe in his heart,” that the shroud is real, it casts a dubious light on his other profession of faith.
There is never a need to abandon reason to receive salvation through Christ. God gave us all we need to verify His Son’s life, death, and resurrection in the Bible. As Luke writes, we have only to investigate the accounts of eyewitnesses and servants of the Word to have certainty of what it teaches.
So how ’bout it CNN? Next year, why not a series testing the accuracy of Scripture? Pick any book or chapter you want. We already know what the result will be.”
End of Megan Basham article.
– by Geraldine Coleman
Geraldine Coleman: Is a teacher and educator and ministers to prisoners at a prison facility where she is an instructor.
Thank you for this message. Please pray that those who have learned this will be bold enough to speak the truth in love regardless of who may be offended. Continued blessings!
It’s just common sense! That’ll serve the racist hate mongers some poetic justice for sure! To this day I know some bible thumping, every Sunday faithful white & wicked ppl who have absolutely no qualms about throwing around labels on ethnic groups. It’s mind boggling to try to understand or wrap my mind around such hyprocy. It’ll serve them right.