HomeProphecyCloser and Closer!


Closer and Closer! — 4 Comments

  1. Chris, I certainly agree. Demonic chattering is quite loud and I sense these things very much. 

    Anyhow, I also had an interesting experience this morning on waking. I lost my hearing in one ear several years ago. I have longed for God to heal me and pleaded with Him and been prayed over. I have been aware of chatter in same ear, and also heard a man’s voice that quite clearly said my name out loud on two separate occasions in same ear. This made me feel quite unsettled, as it had a certain accent to it which just did not seem right. I asked God about it and He gave me an assurance that it is the enemy’s voice.  Over time, that voice keeps trying to interrupt my worship with God especially in the night. I am so in love with Jesus and I know His voice clearly. 

    Anyway, fast forward to this morning. I somehow felt this was the time to actually kick this thing out. So putting my hand over the bad ear, I used the authority God has given to declare I am washed in Jesus’ blood and to GO in the Name of Jesus.  Then SILENCE!  I fell asleep again and when I woke up some time later, it tried to sneak in. That’s when I did a quick repeat performance. and…now this is the first time I have ever had a demon scream. WOW! I believe this was significant that my ear will be healed soon and very soon.

    Thank you for listening. God bless.

  2. Such a timely wel-spoken word of truth, warning, and love, Brother Chris. I heard the Lord say to me (as I was reading your explanation of the tap water), I have turned the water on full blast to many to get your full attention that you might not be so quick to turn my warnings off by just one touch of the handle. I am ready to pour out the cleansing waters of my spirit to all, starting with my prophets that will release and rescue those that have become comfortable in the spirit of control by self as well as the demonic spirit of control by the enemy. As you so well said, time is short, and this may be the last chance to choose life or death! What a loving well well-spoken warning of love. Thanks for sharing, Sandi

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