HomeProphecyClones, Drones & UFOs — Trains, Planes & Automobiles! (Update)


Clones, Drones & UFOs — Trains, Planes & Automobiles! (Update) — 11 Comments

  1. I was sure the good Lord was not going 2 confirm anything 2 me.
    Well the day after – 18 h and 35 min later – I was sitting in front of my Tv waiting 4 the evening news and some talk show was at the end of their program and as I was sitting there, suddenly a big bridge shows up in the show – just the same kind of construction as the Oakland Bay Bridge in San Fransisco. In fact that bridge was visible in the background of the show during the entire program.
    That’s what I call a Confirmation from the Lord. https://www.svtplay.se/…/forlossningsvard-da-och-nu…
    Whether I (or U) like it or not has nothing 2 do with it.
    So 2 wrap this up: The Lord is giving a first hand warning regarding what the enemy has planned: Some kind of terror threat where the Oakland Bay Bridge in San Fransisco is in danger of collapsing, maybe by the use of explosive materials of some sort.
    So pray 4 the safety of the Oakland Bay Bridge, San Fransisco and so that the plans of the enemy should not and would not succeed.(From my FB page Jan 23:rd)

  2. Demolish the plans of the enemy regarding San Francisco!
    Yesterday I started my day as usual by reading Psalm 91 aloud. When I came 2 …”Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday”, suddenly I was interrupted by a laud crack like sound [‘thump!’] It sounded just like something was coming tumbling down so I put the Bible down and went downstairs searching 4 whatever had caused the sound, but found nothing out of the ordinary so I went back upstairs and searched the whole second floor but with no result whatsoever. After reading the rest of Psalm 91 I went down 2 the Kitchen 2 have some coffee and through the kitchen window I saw a big Hawk sitting just outside the House. First time I’ve seen a Hawk outside the House and I’ve been living here 4 some twenty years now…I took a pic through the kitchen window with my cellphone but when trying 2 get a better view by opening the door, the Hawk took off.
    During the rest of the day I thought about what could have caused the mysterious sound and exactly at midnight I decided I should go 2 bed. When I closed the curtains beside my bed I heard a cracking sound and realized I had trampled upon a painting that somehow had fell off the wall – that was what had caused the [‘thump’] sound while I read Psalm 91 earlier the same day. The ‘painting’ was actually a picture of the Oakland Bay Bridge in San Francisco and it had been stuck on that wall 4 twenty years without moving an inch…
    Now…why did that painting fall down when I read “Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday” [psalm 91]
    “Well things just happens…don’t make a big deal about it, just 4orget it!”
    Sure…well that’s not how I do things…so I said 2 the Lord:”Is there something U wanna say through all of this..? The Hawk outside the House…the painting [picture] of a bridge in San Francisco – which fell down 2 the ground as a [disaster that strikes at midday]? If that should be the case Lord – then I need a confirmation from U so I know that this is meant 2 be a warning from U Lord, that we as believers should pray 4 the safety of the Oakland Bay Bridge in San Fransisco. If U do not confirm 2 me that this is a sign from U Lord, then I’ll 4orget the whole thing!”


  4. Well, I alive in Gilbert, Arizona USA and there’s an awful amount of talk on YouTube, Mainstream Media about Drones & UFO’S. Some believe it’s China and others that the Government has a lot to do with it bc they want to stop President Trump from being Inaugurated. No matter what it is but Pray we must

  5. I just read this morning that the pope is opening gates on Christmas Eve that has not happened in a very long time. I watched a video that appears correct in the meaning behind it: the five areas in Rome open a gateway in the shape of the sigil of Lucifer. He is summoning him. On YouTube Steve Fletcher 222

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