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Civil War — 6 Comments

  1. Time for the body to come into alignment and balance with God. While there is division in the body it is out of balance and that’s what the enemy wants. It’s not about us and what we want, it’s about him.

  2. Praise the Lord!  IT’S TIME TO BE THE CHURCH, THAT THE GATES OF HELL WILL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT! Yes, we here in America know about the American Civil war and why the war was fought, because of slavery. And sadly there is still a problem regarding the Spirit of Racism that Still exists even in some of the Churches Today, as Well as outside of the Churches.  We know that as God’s Judgement is Released- that The Lord God will deal with ALL Sin! -And YES The Lord is Saying “IT iIS ‘TIME FOR UNITY” LIKE NEVER BEFORE- BOTH SPIRITUALLY & NATURALLY!  Yes it has Much to do with the ‘Doctrines of Men like You mentioned in your word, along with Tithing & PRIDE, etc.  Again, the scripture in ‘Mark 7:7-“Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men”. I understand that many don’t want to deal with some of these issues, But we know that the Lord God, Loves JUSTICE, and in Amos 5:24, HE reminds us of that!  Also in Micah 6:8 that says: HE HATH SHOWN THEE, O MAN, WHAT IS GOOD; AND WHAT DOTH THE LORD REQUIRE OF THEE, BUT TO DO JUSTLY, AND TO LOVE MERCY, AND TO WALK HUMBLY WITH THY GOD!” There is TOO much Division, which is exactly what the enemy wants. I also agree with you Chris, that It’s time for All this evil to end re: the Civil War- WHATEVER IT IS & WHEREVER IT MAY EXIST. and IT’S TIME FOR US, ESPECIALLY THE CHURCH- To ‘BE The ‘LIGHT & ‘SALT of the Earth and put on the Mind of Christ Daily! YES, we need to return back to the Alter! Oh Lord, Please search our hearts. And if you find anything within us, that is NOT like You- LORD PLEASE TAKE IT AWAY!  LET us return back to you with a Heart of Conviction, and Repentance and Forgiveness, and began to come Together in Unity- ALL TO THE GLORY OF GOD!☝ BLESSINGS TO ALL!☝

  3. I think many believers are deeply hurt by what’s happened since 2019. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a humble drive for reconciliation in the church. Maybe a general repentance and a closer study on Rev 18:23. But what would I know seems many institutions have been complacent. A return to the lord in line with Joel 2:12-13 might be what’s needed. Some one asked me the other day where do you go to church. “I replied I am the church, we are living stones built on the Rock of the Lord Jesus Christ. But we meet up at this location….” Anyway I hope people don’t get left behind… reconciliation is a great way to address issues maybe seek the Lord and ask him what needs to be done.

  4. “simple as that” – mighty man of God.

    If i may…on the topic of tithing – Church the purpose of tithes and offerings is 2 fold a spiritual principle to bless His people and to bless HIS Church. Remember God has a system for His people. It is part of God’s ‘financial system’. It is ‘spiritual bc as we grow in faith we understand the why before the what are doing – Heb.4:2 this part is very important…not giving grudgingly, but cheerfully. HE knows $ can be one of the hardest things to trust God with, why He says; ‘prove me’ Malachi 3:10 Matt. 23:23 2Cor.9:6,7 God bless the Church.

  5. Pride – simple as that!
    The church has grown complacent and self-satisfied! On average, there’s a “I’m all right Jack!” attitude which believes it doesn’t need to repent. Once saved always saved, and, hyper-grace theology have done so much damage to the faith of so many believers. It is turning around slowly, but many are still deceived.

    God bless

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