The world celebrates Santa this Christmas and the Church joins in.
We put up reindeer and Santa clauses, elves and his sleigh….
Where is Jesus in this?
Why is Jesus the reason for the season, when it is basically a pagan festival where Santa delivers presents according to how good a child is?
That is legalism and not Grace.
When you go Christmas Shopping, where is God and His things in it?
If Jesus is the reason for the season, why is He left out of the Christmas lunch preparation, the shopping for presents and decorations of the house and lawns?
Do people even ask Him what He desires them to buy, or do or just accept it is done because it is… Christmas?
Parents promote a belief in Santa to their children and not Jesus, so that Santa becomes worshipped and not Jesus.
Jesus was not born in December as there would have been snow in the fields and no shepherds but was born in their summer, probably in June/July.
By all means buy presents for your children, but make sure they know it is from you and not a mythical demon and that it is because you love them for who they are, and not what they do and not because it is Christmas.
In June/July celebrate the birth of Jesus and tell them why we need Jesus (The Gospel).
It is impossible to tell The Gospel based on Santa, which shows how pagan the festival is.
Just remember that when you promote Santa you are not promoting Jesus, and are giving them a demon to worship, and not Jesus.
~ Through Neville Salvetti
Neville Salvetti is a deliverance minister and can be contacted via The Web Pages of Neville Salvetti and at: if you desire deliverance or to know how to do it.
Neville have been told to preach three things:
♥ Deliverance ♥ How to Hear The Holy Spirit ♥ How to fight Satan
This is the need of the hour as it demonstrates The Kingdom of God, which is what attracts people to Jesus.
I heard and was told it is a lie from a family member a couple of years ago and I refused to believe and lay it: (all the decorations, tree, lights, especially the music and all) down. After reading your message and others recently I am believing. It is with great grief that I now know Christmas is satanic and not of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please forgive me Lord God of All the Earth and please, please take Santa/Satan away from me and my household, help me to do this by your great grace for me and my family. I am feeling sick today. Please pray for me and my family. Thank you Brothers and Sisters.
Christ our Savior not Santa a fictional myth. JESUS is real not Saint Nick.
THANK YOU GOD LORD JESUS…YOU are the real reason for ALL seasons.☝☝☝
Bullseye! Absolutely right brother. Thank you so much.
Interestingly enough Santa apparently exhibits attributes that belong to G_d. He knows what you been up to and put you on the either the naughty or good list. – Omniscience as well as judging mankind. To visit every household in the world in a single night implies omnipresent.
Perfectly said
Thank you ever so much….. May The Lord bless you…
Thank you, brother for putting this revelation out there. I used to celebrate Christmas I stopped doing it because something in me keep convensing me this is not of God. Again thank you, may the Lord bless you.
min julegave ligger ikke under et træ
det hang på et træ, for ca. 2ooo år siden
han Jesus Kristus er årsagen til at vi fejrer jul
Religion condemns, Jesus saves.