This category comprises guidance on how to live a Bible based Christian life in a fallen world. All articles are Bible based.
An alphabetical list of our Christian Living articles:
- Know the Audience You Are Speaking To! by Stephen Hanson
- Know The Peace of God! by Robin Kirby Gatto
- Know them by the Spirit by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Know Them By Their Spirit by Robert Blackburn
- Know Whose You Are and Straighten That Crown! by Dana Jarvis
- Know your God; Know His ways by His Kingdom Prophecy
- Know Your Heart! by Robin Kirby Gatto
- Know Your Legal Rights by Prophet Peter Odhiambo
- Knowing and understanding your Reward by Paul A Williams
- Knowing His Voice! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Knowing the Truth in a Time of Deceit & Dishonesty by Stephen Hanson
- Knowing The Voice of The LORD by Pastor Mark Cyril
- Knowing Who You Are by Mary Lindow
- Knowing Who You Are in Christ by Thomas Downes
- Knowledge of the Holy One by Derek Prince Ministries
- Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom and Revelation by Barbara R Thomas
- L’HISTOIRE SE REPETE by International Christian Zionist Center
- Labor of Love! by Robert Ssesanga
- Laboring with Favor by Robert Ssesanga
- Laos: a New Wave of Persecution by His Kingdom Prophecy
- Laos: Christian Family Attacked and Displaced From Home by His Kingdom Prophecy
- Laos: Christians Continue to Face Threats by His Kingdom Prophecy
- Laos: Christmas Crackdown by His Kingdom Prophecy
- Laos: Pastor Arrested for Conducting Church Service by His Kingdom Prophecy
- LAOS: Pastors and Others Arrested on Faith-related Charges by His Kingdom Prophecy
- Laos: Persecution Continues Despite Government Approving Church Activities by His Kingdom Prophecy
- Last Question for the Day by Johann van der Hoven
- Last Will and Testament by Jim Hammerle
- Lay Aside Every Weight! by Gail Manizak
- Lay it down! Lay it down! by Mitch Salmon
- Laying Down Your Life by Dr Bruce Allen
- Laying Hands on One Another by Robert Blackburn
- Laying my head on my Savior’s lap by Barbara R Thomas
- Lazarus! Lazarus! Come Forth! by International Christian Zionist Center
- Laziness Brings Poverty by Derek Prince Ministries
- Lead My people into Prayer now by Paul A Williams
- Leaders, Get Out of the Way! by Barbara R Thomas
- Leadership – Letting Go by Barbara R Thomas
- Leadership 101 for Generals by Barbara R Thomas
- Leadership and Teamwork by Barbara R Thomas
- Leadership Training 101 by Barbara R Thomas
- Leadership’s Control and Manupulation by Mary Lindow
- Lean Into and Upon The LORD by Mary Lindow
- Lean Not on the Arm of the Flesh! by Veronika West
- Learn From Your Future by Clay Sikes
- Learn to Deal with Your Money! by Barbara R Thomas
- Learn to Listen to what is being said! by Jim Hammerle
- Learn to Say “No” by Derek Prince Ministries
- Learn to say: “NO” by Mary Lindow
- Learning from Affliction by Derek Prince Ministries
- Learning Leadership Form Your Own Disciples by Barbara R Thomas
- Learning Obedience from the Lord, 101 by Barbara R Thomas
- Learning to Grow as a Leader by Barbara R Thomas
- Learning to maintain balance by Barbara R Thomas
- Learning to Walk Alone by Stephen Hanson
- Learning true Discipleship by Barbara R Thomas
- Learning when to hold your peace by Barbara R Thomas
- Leaving a Church? by Neville Salvetti
- Leaving and Going Ahead: A Teaching on Faith by Stephen Hanson
- Leaving Behind a Kingly Legacy by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- Led by the Holy Spirit by Robert Blackburn
- Led by the Spirit of God by Robert Blackburn
- LEGACY or FAME Driven Leaders by Mary Lindow
- Less than the Least by Robert Blackburn
- Lessons From Asuza Street by Prophet Russell Walden
- Lessons From Seasons of Failure and Loss! by Mary Lindow
- Lessons from the Juniper Tree by Prophet Russell Walden
- Lessons from the Woods by Beverly Juelsgaard-Fischer
- Lessons I Learned….. by Johann van der Hoven
- Lest I Be a Castaway by Robert Blackburn
- Let All Things Praise The LORD! by Robin Kirby Gatto
- Let Brotherly Love Continue by Kimberly Fuller
- Let Freedom Ring by Kimberly Fuller
- Let Go and Let God Do! by Geraldine Coleman
- Let Go and Let God! by Robin Kirby Gatto
- Let Go of That Old, Dead Past! by Mitch Salmon
- Let Go of the Old to Embrace the New by Doug Addison
- Let go of the old, dead self by Mitch Salmon
- Let God Be God in Your Life! by Shelly-Ann Powell
- Let God Heal You First by Esther Hadassah
- Let God’s Cleaning Wash Over You! by Chuck Pierce
- Let Him Gather You! by Prophet Phyllis Ford
- Let Him Who Is Without Sin Cast the First Stone! by Syreeta Thomas
- Let His People Go! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Let Joy be your bucket for deliverance and healing by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Let Nothing Steal Your Focus! by Dana Jarvis
- Let The Comforter Teach by Robert Blackburn
- Let The Holy Ghost Work by Robert Blackburn
- Let The King of Glory Come In by Thomas Downes
- Let The LORD, Define YOU! by Robin Kirby Gatto
- Let the Mind of Christ Be in You! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Let The Past GO! by Derek Prince Ministries
- Let the People Weep and Cry Out to God! by Geraldine Fisher
- Let The Prophets Speak by Robert Blackburn
- Let the Redeemed of the LORD Say So! by Kimberly Fuller
- Let Them Alone! by Robert Blackburn
- Let us Cry Out in Our Town Squares! by Joyce D. McGuire
- Let Us Help One Another! by Barbara R Thomas
- Let Us Not Be Ignorant of Satan’s Devices! by Shelly-Ann Powell
- Let us Pray by Syreeta Thomas
- Let Us Pray for Burma! by His Kingdom Prophecy
- Let us Reason together by Mary Lindow
- Let Your Testimony Flow by Yolanda Ballard
- Let’s Allow The LORD! by Prophet Phyllis Ford
- Let’s Go to Gethsemane! by Pastor Mark Cyril
- Let’s Learn About and Know the Real Jesus for Ourselves by Joyce D. McGuire
- Let’s Pull Down This Corona Virus! by Yolanda Ballard
- Let’s Rediscover Purpose! by Johann van der Hoven
- Lets Always Remember the Poor! by Joyce D. McGuire
- Letter to a Husband by Ron McGatlin
- Letting Go of Material Things by Robert Blackburn
- Letting Go…. by Mary Lindow
- Letting the guilty, go free… by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Let’s Go Fishing! by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- Levels of Succumbing to Sin by Prophet Peter Odhiambo
- Leviathan, Divination and the Slanderer! by Robin Kirby Gatto
- Liar, Liar, Tongue on Fire! by Prophet Peter Odhiambo
- Life After Death While on Earth! by Ron McGatlin
- Life Can Be Tough! by Mary Lindow
- Life for the Dead! by Pastor Nana Kobina Baisie
- Life Goes on Like a River by Stephen Hanson
- Life in Christ is Vividly Real! by Mary Lindow
- Life is a Choice by Yolanda Ballard
- Life is a Journey ~ and a Training Course! by Neville Johnson
- Life Is Not a Problem! by Dana Jarvis
- Life Lessons and Sometimes How We Can Learn by Joyce D. McGuire
- Life’s Lessons by Sandi Holman
- Life’s Lessons – 1 by Robert Ssesanga
- Life… by Mitch Salmon
- Lift up your head! There is HOPE! by Geraldine Coleman
- Light BE! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- LIGHT is SPRUNG Up!! by Kevin Stevens
- Lighten Someone’s Load Today! by Derek Prince Ministries
- Like a River Flows….. by Johann van der Hoven
- Like Gold — Tried by Fire! by Johann van der Hoven
- Like Little Children by Neville Salvetti
- Limit Not the Holy One by Trusting in the Flesh by Kimberly Fuller
- Lionhearted Lovers! by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- Liquid Prayers Filling The Bowls That Are Being Tipped! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Listen by the Spirit by Barbara R Thomas
- Listen to Wisdom by Derek Prince Ministries
- Listening for HIS Answer by Derek Prince Ministries
- Listening to the Spirit by Derek Prince Ministries
- Listening to the voices within us by Mitch Salmon
- Live in Confidence by Robert Ssesanga
- Live in The Book of Acts by Sandi Holman
- Live Set Apart and Free! by Johann van der Hoven
- Live to Give – In a Privileged Life! by Mary Lindow
- Lives As Professed Christians by Syreeta Thomas
- Living a Godly Christian Stewardship and Life by Barbara R Thomas
- Living a Submitted Life by Syreeta Thomas
- Living Above the Snake Line by Elaine Tavolacci
- Living An Uncluttered Life? by Mary Lindow
- Living as a True Christian Leader by Barbara R Thomas
- Living by the Inner Breath of God by Johann van der Hoven
- Living in God’s Will by Derek Prince Ministries
- Living in Love When All Else Lets You Down by Ron McGatlin
- Living in the days of Isaiah 5:20 by Mitch Salmon
- Living in the wrong land by Barbara R Thomas
- Living in Unending Fire! by Johann van der Hoven
- Living Life — Cut Back and Pruned by Mary Lindow
- Living like there is no Hell by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Living Now or Living in the Future by Stephen Hanson
- Living the Christ-life & Becoming the Anointed of the LORD by Johann van der Hoven
- Living The Ten Commandments! by Neville Salvetti
- Living under Grace by Yolanda Ballard
- Living Under the Blood by Prophet Peter Odhiambo
- Living Within God’s Boundaries by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Living Without Spiritual Discipline by Johann van der Hoven
- Loneliness or Solitude by Stephen Hanson
- Longing for an Encounter? by Brian and Julie Price
- Look and See! by Mary B. Dovie
- Look Back and See…. by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Look Beyond the Barrier! by Derek Prince Ministries
- Looking Forward by Mitch Salmon
- Looking into the realm, of the Spirit by Robert Blackburn
- Looking Out the Window in Preparation by Stephen Hanson
- Looking Straight Ahead by Derek Prince Ministries
- Lord Jesus Asks…. by Neville Salvetti
- LORD of ALL, or not Lord at all! – Part 2 by Dr Bruce Allen
- Lord, I’m Calling your Name! by Geraldine Coleman
- LORD, It Is So Beautiful to See YOU Work! by Johann van der Hoven
- Lord, let your Manifested Glory fall! by Geraldine Coleman
- LORD, Touch Them! by Kelley Ewing
- LORD, Where Is The Open Door? by Robert Blackburn
- LORD? Where are You, LORD? by Mary B. Dovie
- Lords by Robert Blackburn
- Losing My Religion — Finding God by Johann van der Hoven
- Losses in the Physical and Spiritual by Paul A Williams
- Lost in a Lifeless Desert? by Dana Jarvis
- Lost in Unreality by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Love and Faith by Mitch Salmon
- Love Breathes Life but Condemnation Kills by Ashley Hutheram
- Love Erasing Lines of Separation by Ron McGatlin
- Love is not safe! by Mitch Salmon
- Love Is the Greatest Christmas Miracle of All! by Ron McGatlin
- Love Lifted Me! by Geraldine Fisher
- Love Thinks No Evil by Mary Lindow
- Love Wins! by Mitch Salmon
- Love Wisdom by Derek Prince Ministries
- Love Without Measure by Mary B. Dovie
- LOVE: The Master Key to the Kingdom by Ron McGatlin
- Lovers of pleasures, more than lovers of God by Robert Blackburn
- Loving Preeminence by Robert Blackburn
- Loving the World? Come Out! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Magic or the Divine Supernatural? by Geraldine Fisher
- Maintain Sexual Purity — and Do Not Backslide! by Syreeta Thomas
- Maintain your Integrity by Geraldine Fisher
- Maintaining Spiritual Momentum by Shelly-Ann Powell
- Make Decisions — For the Short & Long Term! by Clay Sikes
- Make Decrees and Declarations! by Geraldine Coleman
- Make Me and Example! by Jim Hammerle
- Make Ready, Before You Say, “I DO”! by Barbara R Thomas
- Make Straight Paths by Derek Prince Ministries
- Make Sure! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Make the Most of the Time You Have by Stephen Hanson
- Making the Right Choice – a Testimony by Mary Lindow
- Making the Truth Crystal Clear by Mitch Salmon
- Making Yourself Available by Derek Prince Ministries
- Making Yourself the Target by Barbara R Thomas
- Malaysia: Enforced Disappearances Confirmed by His Kingdom Prophecy
- Man Was Created as a Soul! by Johann van der Hoven
- Man was not made for the Sabbath.. by Stephen Hanson
- Manifestations versus His Manifest Presence by David Murry
- Many “Churches” are becoming Nightclubs by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Many are Called but Few are Chosen! by Robert Blackburn
- Many Are Called! by Johann van der Hoven
- Many are calling Jesus a…. “LIAR”! – Lesson 1 in Series by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Many are calling Jesus a…. “LIAR”! – Lesson 2 in Series by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Many Are Taken Captive! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Many Tend to Follow Those Who Speak What We Want to Hear by Stephen Hanson
- March with Manifest Glory by Robert Ssesanga
- Marital Disharmony At This Time? by Jacob Awagah
- Marriage and Relationships: The GODLY Perspective by Geraldine Coleman
- Marriage Licences: the Government’s or God’s? by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Marrying The Minister or The Ministry by Barbara R Thomas
- Master the Mundane! by Yvonne Coombs
- Maturity is Needed in the Prophet by Pastor Mark Cyril
- Maximizing the Power of the Holy Spirit within us by Pastor Mark Cyril
- May God Rain His Glory! by Johann van der Hoven
- May The Grace of Christ Be With Your Spirit by Pastor Jahfas Victor Ahua
- May They Be One! by Johann van der Hoven
- Maybe Jesus made a Mistake? by Jim Hammerle
- Mean What You Say! by Robert Blackburn
- Measureless Love by Derek Prince Ministries
- Measuring Out Mercy by Mary Lindow
- Measuring The Honesty Of Our Hearts by Mary Lindow
- Meet Jesus Anywhere, Everywhere! by Tim Price
- Meeting Obstacles in Life? by Prophet Peter Odhiambo
- Mein Kampf Revisited, 2015 by Priscilla Van Sutphin