Choose This Day
Choose this day to serve me, says the LORD. Will you choose Me? Or will you choose your loneliness? Will you choose your sickness? Will you choose your circumstances? Will you choose your possessions? Will you choose another person, place or thing? For what you focus on will become what you serve. Who you place your confidence in will be who you serve, says the Lord.
Allow Me to be the who, the what, the when, the where and the how of your life and make Me your pursuit and desire. For in Me you are complete. In Me dwells all the fullness of the Godhead. In Me is the fullness of glory. In Me is the fullness of joy. In Me is every desire of your heart. In Me is all that you could ever ask for and dream. In Me is pleasure forevermore. In me is your hope fulfilled. In Me is the perfection of what I have created you to be. In Me is your purpose and your completeness, says the LORD.
There is nothing that you need or desire that is beyond My power and authority, says the LORD. No person, place or thing has power over ME. I AM the Almighty GOD, and there is nothing about you that escapes My attention and care. Your imaginations cannot exceed My ability, says the LORD. You cannot think bigger than My ability to grant. I can create anything that you need and there is nothing that challenges Me. You are not beyond My ability to reach, to heal, to perfect and to restore. There is nothing too broken that I cannot fix. You are not beyond repair. Those that you love are not outside of My reach.
I will mend that which is broken and restore that which seems hopeless and bring life to that which you thought was dead. I AM the resurrection and the LIFE, and that is what I do! I will raise you up in newness of life and restore your soul. There is no other power that can make good on My infallible promises, says the LORD. I will do what I said, for I can, and I want to, and I will. Choose Me, for when you do, you choose life, and you will live and move and have your entire being in ME, and never lack a thing, says the LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades. |
I will choose you, LORD. Father.