Choice. Chance, and Change!
Beloved, I pray every day to see with His eyes, hear only with His ears, and understand with His heart.
I try not to say to anyone, ‘I understand….’ ever since The LORD stopped me one day and said, “You cannot understand another person’s heart — or what they are going through!” so always say, ‘I can relate…’.
“In other words, first just ask of Me, and I will show you your heart. Ask of Me, and I will give you My Heart regarding your many issues.”
So as I share today this quote, I am asking myself what choice must I make to see the change that I desire and am I willing to take the chance?
Have you ever pondered these three things in regard to the many issues of the heart?
When I recently read this quote on, I chuckled, because The LORD has given me so many Prophetic Words about change and choices.
So as I pondered this Truth, and thought about how it would apply to my heart.
The quote is:
“The 3 C’s in life: Choice, Chance, and Change. You must make the Choice to take the Chance if you want anything in life to Change.”
The LORD immediately spoke: “In today’s world of many choices. You must first stop and count the cost of your choices.
My people are faced with the choice to follow Mary’s example, who gave her all. She did not just anoint her Savior, she poured out her Alabaster Box.
Many might see that she took a chance, but she denied herself and gave her most valuable gift.
Yes, she came broken like the box and surrendered herself and it brought change in her life.
In these last days, many will be given the choice to take up ‘their cross’ and come and follow me, they will be taking a chance of crucifixion by the world and their controlling values but their life will become changed forever for they will gain eternal life,” says The Savior.
“It is an hour like no other, to bring order to your life and make it a priority to dwell in My Presence,” says the one who is beginning to ‘Reorder’ the world He created.
“I, The LORD, would ask you to ponder this question today, ‘What is in your alabaster box? Is it full of things you call treasures?
Is it full of fantasies and fairy tales that began as a child when you built your world on ‘the fairy tales you listened to’?
Children learn what they live and many in today’s culture have built their lives on what they learned as a child that have become a part of their belief system.
Idolatry is one issue of the heart that has created the chaos and turmoil in today’s world,” says The Father.
“Even many Christians have a protective wall built around their heart to guard their perception of truth.
That, beloved, is a lie they have believed. They only ‘know in part’ but it is AWAKENING to TRUTH time in the nations of the world and time to embrace the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
It is URGENT that you separate what people of the world are saying from what God is saying!
The world’s so called man-appointed authorities have stepped into the world of control and witchcraft to ‘have it their way,’” says The Ruler of all the Earth.
“But, My People, who are called by My Name, are being called to stay true to the real AUTHORITY and take a stand by acting on The Wisdom of God.
Remember this, times like these are times of trouble and they reveal the spirit of division.
When division comes, it reveals where men have put their trust. It is the hour of revealing all that has been concealed.
I , The LORD of all, AM asking you where have you put your treasure?
My word says, where you put your treasure is where your heart is.” (Luke 12:34)
Jesus Warns against Hypocrisy
“By now a crowd of many thousands had gathered around Jesus. So many people pushed to be near
Him, they began to trample one another. Jesus turned to his disciples and warned them, “Beware of he hypocrisy of the Pharisees. It permeates everything they do and teach, like leaven. Everything hidden and covered up will soon be exposed.
For the facade is falling down, and nothing will be kept secret for long. Whatever you have spoken in private will be public knowledge, and what you have whispered secretly behind closed doors will be broadcast far and wide for all to hear.
Listen, my beloved friends, don’t fear those who may want to take your life but can do nothing more. It’s true that they may kill your body, but they have no power over your soul. The one you must fear is God, for he has both the power to take your life and the authority to cast your soul into hell. Yes, the only one you need to fear is God.
What is the value of your soul to God? Could your worth be defined by any amount of money? God doesn’t abandon or forget even the small sparrow he has made. How then could he forget or abandon you? What about the seemingly minor issues of your life? Do they matter to God? Of course they do! So you never need to worry, for you are more valuable to God than anything else in this world.
I can assure you of this: If you freely declare in public that I am the Son of Man, the Messiah, then I will freely declare to all the angels of God that you are mine. But if you publicly pretend that you don’t know me, I will deny you before the angels of God. If anyone speaks evil of me, the Son of Man, that one can be forgiven. But if anyone speaks scornfully against the Holy Spirit, it will never be forgiven. And remember this: When people publicly accuse you and forcefully drag you before the religious leaders and authorities, do not be troubled. Don’t worry about defending yourself or how to answer their accusations.
Simply be confident and allow the Spirit of Wisdom access to your heart, and in that very moment he will reveal what you are to say to them.”
Jesus Condemns Greed
“Just then someone spoke up from the crowd and said, “Master, you should compel my older brother to divide the family inheritance and give me my fair share!” Jesus answered, “My friend, who made me a judge or arbitrator over you?” Speaking to the people, Jesus continued, “Be alert and guard your heart from greed and from always wishing for what you don’t have. For your life can never be measured by the amount of things you possess.” Luke 12:1-15 TPT
Today, I leave you with these treasures I have learned to live by….
”I Choose to be victorious!
I say it is my Chance to suffer to triumph, and I will declare this is a time to Triumph and it shall be established and the world shall experience Change before our eyes.
Freedom shall ring throughout the nations for mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of The LORD.
He is tramping out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored…”
Won’t you join me and sing with Whitney Houston as she belts our “Battle Hymn of the Republic”.
~ Sandi Holman
Sandi Holman was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of The LORD Ministries came from a divine encounter with The LORD when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.
Dear Sandi, what a powerful and striking word for this moment. The words that spoke deeply into my heart are these:
In these last days, many will be given the choice to take up ‘their cross’ and come and follow me, they will be taking a chance of crucifixion by the world and their controlling values but their life will become changed forever for they will gain eternal life,” says The Savior.
t is URGENT that you separate what people of the world are saying from what God is saying!
The world’s so called man-appointed authorities have stepped into the world of control and witchcraft to ‘have it their way,’” says The Ruler of all the Earth.
“But, My People, who are called by My Name, are being called to stay true to the real AUTHORITY and take a stand by acting on The Wisdom of God. I pray that the inhabitants of the nations will repent of their rebellion and come to know the only TRUE GOD THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AS THEIR SAVIOUR so that they will not be deceived by the enemy of our soul into believing a false gospel. Thanks again for your beautiful heart that the Lord has given you. Much love and hugs to you and yours!!!
Once again, I am grateful for your wonderful encouragement and agreement with what the Lord is saying which actually amounts to whose ‘truth’ are you going to believe, embrace and follow. We are truly at a crossroads in America and many nations as we stand still to see the GLORY of the LORD in demonstration as HE has promised. It is so good to hear from those that are standing and trusting and listening to the God of all the earth. Your input is valuable, your heart also is beautiful and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your faithful interactions and input. Love and hugs right back to you, Sandi
Love this word, Sandi.
Just pulling out, “In other words, first just ask of Me, and I will show you your heart. Ask of Me, and I will give you My Heart regarding your many issues.”
This is POWERFUL, oh.. for the Lord to give us His heart in All things.
Oh how often we,(I) fail. Still Lord we ask you to shine that light in our hearts in all things. May we keep growing in His grace and knowledge. Love you sister. ❤️
My sister Joyce, The power of the divine exchange, HIS heart in exchange for the issues He reveals in our heart is beyond measure, isn’t it??? That is why it is so prideful for us to assume we know our own heart. It is the root of every area where we lack love. I appreciate your humble heart of wisdom and your input for all to draw from. Love you! IT is my joy to call you friend, Sandi
“The 3 C’s in life: Choice, Chance, and Change. You must make the Choice to take the Chance if you want anything in life to Change.” I believe I would add anothe “c”…Christ,,you must believe in him for everything to happen.
I agree Robin totally, that is why I gave the choice of giving all.the Alabaster box! Thanks so much for you valuable input! Blessings, Sandi Holman
Thank You Lord for this “look” in the mirror!
“Lord, is it I?” Let me not be deceived. Let no darkness be hidden in me. Let only Your reflection be seen in the mirror. I ask for wisdom concerning my heart and all things you set before me. May Your Truth go marching through me. YOU are the ONLY treasure there is Lord!!!!!
In Jesus Name
Thank you Sandi
Hello Marc, You are so welcome. We so need His Wisdom in all things, especially the heart since we do not know our own heart. Before I pray, write, engage (especially with someone or something that has been a heart issue), I say, I choose not to go by my feelings re: this one thing that was once an issue you revealed to me to deal with. but I surrender my will to you once again and say, I forgive and forget this as you cleanse and heal my heart of all deep seated pain, anger or indignation, as well judgment or unforgiveness and I thank you Lord for the divine exchange: healing for pain, healing and cleansing for any anger or bitterness that caused me to harden my heart, any pride or comparison that caused me to judge, I choose the LOVE of God and for all unforgiveness, I say, Father, I humbly say forgive them they know not what to do. Thank you again for your valuable selfless input. Be blessed and frutful, Sandi
I so appreciate you and all instruction, wisdom, experience, guidance you have to offer.
Thank you!
You are more than welcome, Marc. For some reason, I felt to include some of the issues that I bring up to the Lord because often even though we know we must forgive and love as Jesus does, the enemy traps us in our feelings and we fail to realize forgiveness is an act of our will and we walk it out until we see them as Jesus did and we can be in agreement with the statement He made on the cross. Someone hurt me so deeply about a year ago, I knew the lie they believed, etc but I was so connected and the hurt was so deep, I kept saying why? to the! I finally made it to the cross about 3 months ago and I can pray for that person. Blessings, my brother, Sandi
Forgive me for being so bold, but I am hugging you right now, and anyone who knows me can tell you it’s not some fake Hollywood hug. It’s a big ole Kodiak bear hug!
Father: I ask in the name of Jesus, for YOUR special attention to my sister Sandi. May, as only YOU can, engulf her with your Love and Grace that knows no bounds! May YOUR presence be so tangible to all her senses that every pain (physical mental emotional) would melt away. May YOUR HEART of forgiveness, be her heart of forgiveness for as YOU are so is she!!!!
Sandi, I declare and decree that the love of GOD is is taking you straight up! Listen, the burner has ignited. The flame of HIS PASSION is large and white hot! Burning up all iniquity that has come against you!! Rising above and beyond! The ropes are LOOSED! Your hot air ballon is taking you higher than you ever been. To see as HE sees. Closer to the heartbeat of the FATHER! HALLELUJAH!!! GLORY!!! Thank YOU for my sister!!! I seal all this in the HOLY NAME OF JESUS!! Amen!!
With much love Sandi!!
God richly bless you Marc for that beautiful ‘prophetic’ word to me. I am honored to be a servant and end time Handmaiden endeavoring to keep the vow I took long ago to serve Him the the End time Handmaidens. I am so blessed to daily be enriched with a relationship with the only wise God and be alive at this very important time of living out the book of ACTS alongside the book of Revelations. We are His disciples. Pause, and think about that. Oh, what a savior. May the glory of the Lord be risen upon you as you press on to walk with Him in this hour and serve Him in these tumultuous times my brother. Sandi