Change IS Coming and You May Not Like It!
As I spend this day in prayer seeking God’s Will, praying God’s Will, and weeping over the state of the world, and the great move of God coming upon the earth, I sense the LORD saying:
“I AM about to turn over some tables! I AM going to shake up some things up! I AM about to blow your mind with changes that are coming.
You may not like it. It may not be what you thought it would be, but change is coming.
The change you will find is just what is needed. I hear My Intercessors crying day and night, night and day for change in the ungodly ways of the world. Justice to be served!
Judgement is coming! You have been warned over and over and yet many of you, “who are called by My name” persist in your own thoughts and your own ways.
The final clock is counting down and few are hearing that. As it was in the days of Noah…….. so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man!
Cleansing is coming to My body, even to the world. This is a time of justice, accountability, for the world will reap what has been sown.
Each one will be held accountable and answer for every idle word, act and deed. The Word and the Judgements of the LORD are true and right forever.
The law of the LORD is perfect! Who are you oh man of God that would choose another way?
The LIGHT of God is here, and you, oh man of God still walk in darkness?
The fear of God is Clean and Holy. If you, oh man of God, were walking with Me, indwelled by Me, there would be nothing in you that would want to live in the world nor in the ways of the world.
You would never be accepting and even promoting the ungodliness of the world, as if it were something good.
How can two walk together unless they agree?
Justice is coming! You have been warned of the coming judgements. Fear God and repent!
This is the day and the hour! I, the LORD, am listening for “a cry of repentance” that cry will permeate the whole world, and then I will come and heal you, heal your land.
There will be a grand turn around, IF you forsake your evil ways and turn back to your first love.
My love is from everlasting to everlasting. My Mercy endures forever. My grace would have kept you in the way, but you were “beguiled by the evil one” and chose an ungodly path. It is leading you to death’s door!
For all that was meant for evil against you,” says the LORD, “I will turn it into Gold for the repentant, for the righteous.
I have a table set before you that you have never as yet tasted. It is new, it is fresh, it is clean and it is Holy!
It is tangibly present for those who “come and follow Me”. There is love and joy and peace in this place.
You know of it, have tasted and seen — many have tasted, many have seen. But you chose sin for a season, it only lasts a season, and it ends in death.
There is still yet time fore those of you who would choose to trade in your sin, “your unrighteousness for My Righteousness.”
I gave My all, I AM not willing to lose one. I AM leaving the 99 to come and find you.
This is the time to shake yourself off and trade in, all that sin. I will take your sorrow, your heart ache and your sin, trading it for peace, joy and new life within.
I stand at the door knocking. I will forgive once again!
Come, make your abode here! Fresh and clean, no guilty stain will be left within. I make all things new.
No time is lost. I, the LORD, still have great plans for you. If you will come up, come out, be kind, be true.
I have so much to offer you — your life in the books of Heaven, still yet unseen and untold.
Be bold! Take one step towards Me! I will take ten towards you.
From everlasting to everlasting is My love for you!
Amen and Amen!”
~ Gail Manizak
Gail Manizak of The Power and Presence Ministry, is all about encouraging the Body of Christ as a Ministry of Intercession and contending for our communities, as a House of Prayer.
I cannot agree more.
In light of this weeks events I posted a letter to New York. Not that I wanted to… but I asked God what He thought about the situation… He is so serious. I wrote it down and was almost surprised when he told me to SEND IT…
To the State of New York
Being that you have decided that you are greater than I : that killing my handcrafted design by way of abortion is perfectly fine with you… I AM telling you that Your murder and lawlessness have come up to My Throne and the stench is more than I will bear.
I alone create babies. I alone create human beings. Listening to the enemy of your souls does not exonerate you in the heavenly court rooms. My mercy is free and available to any who will humble themselves and ask forgiveness.
This is a travesty and I will address this issue. If you are “just following orders” because you work in the medical field and the wealth of the world and greed have consumed you… you will be held accountable for every loss of life.
If you think that because corrupt leaders said it’s covered by the “law” ; that it frees you from the consequences, that doesn’t work in My Courts. I alone have the law.
My law says you shall not kill. There is no addendum to this law. There is no hidden clauses that will ever make this acceptable in My eyes.
I have loved you and have stood by you even in your darkest of days. I AM telling you now. Repent and refuse to do the enemies bidding.
Your law will never supersede mine. I AM God and I change not. Do not test Me.
“Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire,” Matthew 7:19 NIV.
Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image.
“Cursed is anyone who accepts a bribe to kill an innocent person. ”Then all the people shall say, “Amen!” Deuteronomy 27:25 NIV.
TIMELY WORD! As I have stewed and prayed over our country today, I heard the Lord whisper to me “Look what I did in all those battles in the Old Testament, over and over. REMEMBER GIDEON! I SIT IN THE HEAVENS AND LAUGH! JUST WAIT, WATCH AND PRAY!
Thank you so much for this Word!!!
Awesome. Thank you Abba. May your perfect will be done.
Thank you for that word. It was a confirmation for my wife and me. We,too, heard the Lord speaking of great change coming to the Church as a preparation of His return. We began writing in 2016 and just completed our first book in December. We are hoping to have it available on Amazon in March 2019, Lord willing. Title : The Forging of a Prophet. Sub title : The Church of men will be Shaken. It was prophesied over us some twenty years ago that we would pen a narrative. So thank you. We are greatful to see your word as a confirmation.
Tom & Marianne Kapinos