HomeProphecy2025Change in 2025 — Part 2


Change in 2025 — Part 2 — 3 Comments

  1. Dear Sandi,

    I thank you for your ministry which exudes the beauty of your relationship with the Lord. Truly, as you wrote, it stirs my heart to seek His heart and face. Above all else, guarding our heart and let it through the refiner’s fire so that we can be in a position to engage with His heart. I did not know this in my youth but I see through your writings how important it is. Thank you for sharing your relationship with the Lord with us. May 2025 be a year of abundant blessings to you and your family. Abounding in His limitless love ❤️

  2. As I read this, the truth just rings out and going through the process of giving all surrendering all and saying I want all of You and none of me and saying take everything out of me of this world is not a pretty process can be down right ugly but God knows and He tells me you are willing and I say yes I am willing and I can see the difference of getting close to Him and hearing His heart makes it so worth it.  Thank you Sandi Hugs

    • Pam, Indeed this is a wonderful time of processing what He has been saying and surrendering to want ALL of Him…which at first seems hard but it is so worth it! He knows just where you are and He is pulling you in closer and closer! Hugs to you as well, Sandi

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