HomeProphecyChange Has Many Faces


Change Has Many Faces — 32 Comments

  1. Prophetess and Minister Sandi, thank you for reminding me of the sufficiency of God’s grace to help us win in every situation, you’ve been a lighthouse to many including me, thank you for not giving up. 

    Shelia Huntley

    • Oh WOW, Sheila Huntley, It has been such a long time my sweet friend since I have heard from you. Memories of our days at BG flood the corners of my mind. Thank you for your input and kind words. It really means a lot to me. I desire to be a light in the darkness. Love and blessings to you and your family..Sandi (Zoe to you).(smile)

  2. Your post is so powerful, as was the last one regarding self preservation. I sat with tears streaming down my face knowing that I am helpless to change it, BUT GOD will perfect that which concerns me! He said He would, therefore He will. Thank you for posting Sandi. I have received answers through these last 2 posts of yours.

    • Vicki, I appreciate your input and transparent heart and it sends joy to my heart when the Lord opens our eyes to see and understand how HE works out everything that is troubling our mind, will, and emotions to line up with our spirit man. He is asking us all to be willing to carry His light in the darkness as He changes our hearts to carry His heart. Many blessings, Sandi